2000-12-23 - 20:06:57

I believe in miracles, where ya from, you sexy thing?

:) there's something pure about cold air. of course, right now the cold air is in my ROOM, but it'll warm up when i clear the vents. been cleaning and redecorating, using the chimney wall, opposite the door where the wall sticks out, as a photogallery for my new digital >:) YAY!!! :) so happy. all i wanted for xmas for MONTHS, since the summer, since i've decided what to do with my life, is a digital. got the long photo frame up on the top bit, with the 3 stein's photos in, and one of daddy's graduation, and one of tweetie, who went and broke his foot today but seems fairly cheerful for it. stupid bugger.

a change (a change would do you) a change would do you good...

fixed some shelves. trying to unpack from university last year... haven't got james' xmas present yet, was thinking of raiding Lee Valley :) then again jamesie, if you just want a beer and a sub, i'll understand... >:) EHEHEHEHEH... i might even oblige... depending on what megan thinks...

If you want, then start to laugh, if you must, then start to cry, give yourself, don't take, just believe in destiny... Don't care what people say, just follow your own way, don't give up and use the chance to return to innocence...

Just amazingly cheerful. Clean-feeling. At peace with everyone and everything, but even more than at peace, more like "at love," totally in synch with nature and myself and everyone else and shit. organizing my room does that to me. :) i've been finding notes we wrote in class since LEVEL 2!! :) ehehehe... man... that takes me back... SHOULD be tackling boxes of books and junk again, but i've got time before mum gets back... we're renting "Dogma" tonight... as james said, i really don't value my life all that much...

BTW, i've decided to take russian next year... i don't like not doing a language, this is the first year EVER that i've never studied a language and it's driving me up the wall, and i've never done a slavic language before, so russian it is. thought about polish, but like the sound of russian better. Mum's against it, says i need to do more courses that will help towards my degree, have more to do with it, like marketing, but daddy said go for it so i won :)

Later The Same Day...


Mum couldn't remember what movie i wanted while she was out, so she got Shaft (can you dig it?) She liked it, Daddy fell asleep- rather thought it would be the other way around, but eh. it was better than i remembered, from Erik and my wild movie-watching summer ('98)- that summer we did Shaft, Indy (all 3), that one about Communist China ("Red Square"? something like that), some anime ("Vampire Hunter D" which DIDN'T SUCK THAT MUCH, THANK YOU SAKTI [and your card's pinned up on puter], and "Junk Boy" OH MY GOD i was embarassed, Willy was there too... hm... kinda reminds me of some people now... BUT ANYWAY...). bunch of others. And of course, the trusty standby, Nachos and fake cheese. :) I miss those times, they were so fun. i used to go through like a litre of milk a day. :) erik's mom was such an amazing cook, i miss her so much.

When I was a girl, my mom and I we always talked, and I picked flowers everywhere that I walked... And I could always cry, now even when I'm alone I seldom do, and I have lost some kindness, but I was a girl too, and you were just like me, and I was just like you...

For the first time in a really LONG time, feeling young :) innocent-young. Still too much weight-knowledge for my tastes, but feeling young and happy. Like, as if I don't have a requirement to be mature. To be fettered and shackled and "Supposed To." :) none of that. my room is clean and I have nothing to do until wednesday but slack off. christmas always brings new reading material which is good cuz i'm out. Technically of course i could start reading "History of the world in 10.5 chapters" but when it's a school book it's so much harder. :) but good-feeling. singing "Suzanne" at the top of my lungs :) - "Suzanne, ooooohhoooohooooh, you're all that I wanted of a girl..." :) that was fun, that was such a Last Year song... :) ah Mallrats... so good, so good... "There she was, like double cherry pie, yeah there she was, like disco super-fly..." Marcy Playground's playing now... heh, such a james song, especially "Who's that casting devious stares in my direction, yeah mama this surely is a dream...." :) it was so fitting. :) just HAPPY! Everything's in balance. I don't have bad feelings for anyone, not even my poor beloved Laurent who's just getting over chickenpox, sucks ass when you get'em old, I did in level 2. :) Got nice clean PJs (well, OCA sweatpants and U of T fuzzy sweater), and nice clean sheets, the dark green ones i got for xmas a couple of years ago, and a new duvet cover, and a tidy room, and everyone's xmas presents in a corner, and all my spikes hanging off my candelabra which has candles in, and Da's dragons on the chimney wall (i'll take a pic of it on monday!!!! :) YAY!!), with the Chriss-soft-porn pics next to them, and the pink ribbony-bowy-thingy she made on the wall, on the top is the huge picture-frame i found in RJ with the stein's pics and daddy's grad pic and a pic of tweetie, like i said earlier, i'll eventually replace the twee pic by the one of chriss and james and i which i KNOW is in my camera, but i haven't got it developped yet. Next to that is the poster-spraypaint painting that guy at harbourfront did of the planets and stuff, and above that is the postcard Olivier sent me this summer from paris (he always sends me postcards, he's so sweet!! I'm going to go somewhere this year just so I can send him one. Bermuda would be nice...), and the photo-tinting pic i did in level 3 art of the sitting-room bay window. and the car jamie put in that bag of candy he gave me, that's stuck on with stick-tack. and my grad tie, of course. they're all on the chimney. I've been thinking, what I might do is either get a big sheet of metal, I'm sure daddy could find me one, nail it to the chimney-wall, and use it to stick digital pics to (with magnets), and i have magnetic poetry stuff so that would be cool too :); that or string up a couple of clothes' lines and pin pics to them with clothes-pins, like in the darkroom. might as well use all the space I can. there's a whole 5 feet in this 10-foot ceiling room i'm not using... =p

need to get material to make the capes for the play. do that between xmas and new year. with michelle if possible. and chriss. i need people with better taste and/or ideas than me.

Listenin' to
Thinkin' about

Back - Forth

This is a Diaryland project. Background image by Digital Hooligan (mah man!) If you try to steal bits of it, I'll come to your house and eat your goldfish. So don't.

Most recently I was
Curiosity killed the cat, you know






Past Entries:

* The Last

* Looks like Adam's OUTTA HERE!

* I ain't voting for the city transit-fouling wussy.

* Why do I feel like an angsty teen again? (Maybe it's my fault; I should take it with a grain of salt...)

* Where are we now?