Monday, Apr. 01, 2002 - 11:03 PM

Music. It's been such a long time (several days!) since I last listened to my comfort-food songs.

First Switchblade Symphony's song "Wallflower." (Yes I know half the words are wrong. If you really want, go here, fantastic page, then go "Orchestral," then "Serpentine Gallery," then "Wallflower." Damn Flash. Looks awesome tho.) It perks me up in a dark way, like going to Anarchist, like indulging my ancient gothy habits. Comfort-food music. Makes me want to put on my make-up and dance... Maybe some of the only electronica I actually like. Probably the only band Rick and I agree on.

Then... "Spiderman '79." Veruca Salt. Good VS. I love this song. I love the sound of it, mellow and laid back, tough-chick, sexy and of course, Spidey. I never thought Louise would go so far as to actually take down anything remotely useful on the VS webpage. But then, it might be just my browser.
Tiny truckstop, you lay me in a towel and savour me like a lamb, you smell like corduroy and lemondrops, and reds pulled from a can, I dream in black and white, I've long forgot exactly who I am...

And now I'm putting off my shower, when I'll have to be cold and damp, and bemoaning the fact that I didn't get more done. Damn Pratchett. Now reading "Hogfather" (I only read it once cuz it was Erik's.) So far, that's at least 7 books. =p Distracting. At least Prof. Urbancic said I didn't have to use 2ndary sources or anything for semiotics... yay! It all comes out of ME! Meeting up with Rick tomorrow after class to collect my notes and stuff. =p I hate late nights. And I really fucking hate linguistics. I keep running into people I know, who say hi, and I never notice them 'til it's too late because I'm usually thinking about how much I hate linguistics at the time. Fucking cocksucking class.

Calm music, peaceful music, happy music...

Listenin' to
Thinkin' about

Back - Forth

This is a Diaryland project. Background image by Digital Hooligan (mah man!) If you try to steal bits of it, I'll come to your house and eat your goldfish. So don't.

Most recently I was
Curiosity killed the cat, you know






Past Entries:

* The Last

* Looks like Adam's OUTTA HERE!

* I ain't voting for the city transit-fouling wussy.

* Why do I feel like an angsty teen again? (Maybe it's my fault; I should take it with a grain of salt...)

* Where are we now?