2001-02-17 - 17:46:59

Saturday morning. YAY! Unfortunately, I only slept in til 10AM, having slept a few hours last night. but ehn.

Burning incense. know what i really hate about cones? that the bottoms never burn, so you end up with a little disc you can't burn. but sticks are too strong, and all i've got in sticks is musk anyway.

Don't want to do anything today. In a way, i nearly hope john cancels for tonight, so i don't have to get up or anything. But it'll be fun if mathew goes too... and lina, i suppose. I wish michelle were going but she's home tonight. gah. she always keeps me in line when i'm being dumb. tonight's going to be a test of will-to-power.

having probs interpreting what mathew said yesterday. think i'm just going to let everything slide and happen to me. =p

Maybe more later. don't know. going back to bed.

Maritimes. Capital "M." They're the maritime provinces, but the Maritimes is capitalized.

Just watched "the american president" with the parents, seen it before on a return flight from england anyway. mum and i both think harisson ford would have been way better at being the president than michael douglas, who wasn't bad.

Getting tired and somewhat irritated- i need space. Everykind. That's why i took today off from the world. as tempting as calling john up and going out is, as cool as mathew is, i needed not-putting-up-guard time. i think that's the diff btw those two- john's hilarious but often sarcastic, and very opinionated (which isn't a bad thing by a long shot, it just means he feels strongly about a bunch of things i don't really; for example, i was mentioning to a girl in grabba's about how kristen used to jump on her bed and belt out G&R whenever i played any- john immediately said "you know i hate guns&roses, right?" Something about an ex who wasn't celeste. Whatever, i respect that. i explained how the only 2 songs i liked were "sweet child of mine," because it was playing when i met mike, and "november rain", cuz i attach it to james. he seemed to find this reasonable.) Mathew just makes you feel... accepted. He's very open. He may shoot down an opinion, but he'll back it up and allow room for argument. John would just whither you about something he despised, make you unable to retaliate. but hey, different strokes, different folks. they're both awesome.

All this to say exactly... nothing. want to go read Harry Potter with a large jar of olives. pity i don't have any. got pancake mixed (made from scratch, from an ancient secret receipe i made up on the spot.)

I think the boys from blink182 should sleep with me. They're too cute.

Listenin' to
Thinkin' about

Back - Forth

This is a Diaryland project. Background image by Digital Hooligan (mah man!) If you try to steal bits of it, I'll come to your house and eat your goldfish. So don't.

Most recently I was
Curiosity killed the cat, you know






Past Entries:

* The Last

* Looks like Adam's OUTTA HERE!

* I ain't voting for the city transit-fouling wussy.

* Why do I feel like an angsty teen again? (Maybe it's my fault; I should take it with a grain of salt...)

* Where are we now?