2001-04-06 - 10:07 a.m.

tired tired tired. :) looking forward to being tireder tonight.

had "man on the moon" (song) on my mind all day... if you believe they put a man on the moon...

SO tired. cool! there's a guy at the computer opposite me who looks like doughty. but younger.

We went to stein's yesterday, john and michelle and i. Dave was obviously having a bad hair day, he wasn't dressed up to his usual standard and had a baseball hat on. he hasn't worn one since his hair started growing long. we waved. he sometimes looks really shrunken, little. tired. wouldn't be surprised if he was a pothead.

talked with john a bit last night, he knew. know what that means? that it wasn't that he was totally moronic, like i thought- he was being really, really decent. i'm impressed. it's a pity about life, sometimes. not for me, i mean for other people.

so, changing around format again, cuz this is ugly. and taking away joke thing, i'll just stick it on my page when i get the time. talking to steve on email, he's at work but ostensibly slacking. going to go to class at 2 with mum (mark kingwell's coming to talk, she wants to hear him), then going to go shopping briefly with michelle (necessities... moisturizer... new york superfudge ben&jerry's... few other things............... >;) go to Da Shack, as Cassis calls it...), get my boots and phone charger from michelle, go to jess' and get my dufflebag, and then LEAVE! figure i can do all that by 4:30ish :) *sigh* so tired...

Listenin' to
Thinkin' about

Back - Forth

This is a Diaryland project. Background image by Digital Hooligan (mah man!) If you try to steal bits of it, I'll come to your house and eat your goldfish. So don't.

Most recently I was
Curiosity killed the cat, you know






Past Entries:

* The Last

* Looks like Adam's OUTTA HERE!

* I ain't voting for the city transit-fouling wussy.

* Why do I feel like an angsty teen again? (Maybe it's my fault; I should take it with a grain of salt...)

* Where are we now?