Monday, Jan. 07, 2002 - 12:52 PM

Good GRIEF! Vic computers are so friggin' SLOW today!!! AND the marks for Human Nature aren't up yet! JAYSUS! The broad's had a MONTH to correct the friggin' exams, WITH a T.A., and there were only like 65 people in the class, or something. ARGH! I've been looking forward to getting my marks back for a week. AND I only got a B+ on that philo essay abotu God I wrote last term; granted, I didn't do the reading or anything, but I skimmed quickly and I SO should have got an A- at least! I WORKED on that one! =p grrr.

On the other hand, it has been a good morning. Got up early (well, put the alarm on for 8AM, then lay in bed for 20 minutes watching the minutes go by), got up, got dressed and all, woke Rick up, took out the garbage and finished cleaning up (we watched "Gatica" and part of "Aliens" last night), sprayed perfume (ahhhh, Organza...), wrote Jessi a note and left with Rick. Mum met us at front door, we dumped our stuff in the car and she dropped us at Bay and Bloor, so we walked down to the New York Deli and had the Breakfast Special (2 eggs, toast, home fries, bacon and coffee; to tell you the truth, everything was a bit funky except the fries and the coffee, but still good. Esp. for $3.) With an hour and a half to burn, we walked to the Manulife Center and wandered through Indigo, then down the Path to find a loo (I needed one), then wandering around some stores, then back and off to class (me, not him). Philosophy was boring so I wrote Rick a letter instead. Got semiotics next, which I don't really want to go to, and then Intro to Language 6-9PM, which I REALLY don't want to go to, and then home and SLEEP! Getting up was so hard this morning, he's so warm and cozy. =/ going to be worse not staying with him tho. It's true, we do act very... domestic... when we're staying together. Like, in the same house or something.

Andy (boss) asked if I was going to move up to the new location (Woodbine and 14th) with them. I told him it wasn't really feasible, since it's a double fare past Steeles which would mean $9 to work and back- I could take the GO train to Mississauga and back for that! He said "Well I could always give you an extra $10..." Ye gods! I got money out of ANDY?! (he's scottish.) Whodathunkit? I'm gonna try my best to find another job tho. I need the money. Gotta start savign up for important stuff, like moving my ass away from home! (Tho stuff's going ok there for the moment.) Would really like to leave. Be independent and all that. Have my own space dammit! Just hope I could manage. I really wanna get started.

Feeling really angry right now for no accountable reason. Feel like I wanna give the Whole Damn Universe the Finger. For people who don't write, for people who aren't there, for people who complain and blame and scold and whine and bitch and don't accept responsibility and of course someone has to and why is it always me?

Ok. I'm sure it's not. But right now, I need a sympathetic ear to listen to me whine and bitch and complain and avoid responsibility, and it seems like no one ever wants to. Why is that? Just for once, I want to tell it like it is. Just once.

Listenin' to
Thinkin' about

Back - Forth

This is a Diaryland project. Background image by Digital Hooligan (mah man!) If you try to steal bits of it, I'll come to your house and eat your goldfish. So don't.

Most recently I was
Curiosity killed the cat, you know






Past Entries:

* The Last

* Looks like Adam's OUTTA HERE!

* I ain't voting for the city transit-fouling wussy.

* Why do I feel like an angsty teen again? (Maybe it's my fault; I should take it with a grain of salt...)

* Where are we now?