2000-01-01 - 18:11:50

;)Happy New Year's Everyone!

;) Ok, I've got that out of the way. Good new year's, go read here, so I won't hafta repeat it. Surrounded by friends, best way to be. ;) Exhausted now, left foot's messed up, can't walk cuz ass hurts after having WALKED to lakeshore (i'm violently against walking anywhere), but it was all worth it. Except, of course, the part where Mike kept doing the diagonal-bed-thing, and i had to try to shove him aside so as not to fall out. Felt like those cow-mover-things they have on the front of trains (well probably not anymore, but they used to), just trying to shove him aside and him not budging and inch. Tweetie went psycho, started picking things up and walking around with them, cake, chips, his bell, anything, banging stuff on the side of his cage then dropping it over the edge. He redoubled efforts once everyone had left (attention-seeker!!). Silly bird. I was amazed at how well Red and Kirk got on with him, and Red's sister Erin, who came in after Mr. Parker's funeral. Tweetie's like Shubha- you love him or you hate him. No in-betweens. And i got candles! I put my teal tapers from Red into my candelabra, which has finally burned down all its original candles, and i got a big triple-wicked white one from Red, and my white vanilla pillar from auntie irene, and chriss got me a wrought-iron candle-holder with a glass cone-thing in it, tres cool. ;) I'm gonna get back to RJ with a TON of candles, and a TON of booze which the guys left (6 bottles of fosters, 1 of champagne, 1 whole VSOP, and a quarter of Kahlua, which, much to my surprise, Chriss didn't take with her... hehe... considering the way Brown Cows were being downed last night, I'm amazed she didn't choke and get some in her lungs...)

All in all, I feel lucky to be starting the next thousand years with so many people I love. Dunno what i was in a past life, but judging from the life i have now, i musta been the fucking Dalai Lamma.

P.s. the oldies like Mike, but have also said that if anything should go wrong between us, I'm to keep Kirk aroud for seconds, too. ;) How typical is that? "He's in Elec! Yes, dear, he's a very nice boy..."

I think they're pretty happy with Mike tho. ;)

Listenin' to
Thinkin' about

Back - Forth

This is a Diaryland project. Background image by Digital Hooligan (mah man!) If you try to steal bits of it, I'll come to your house and eat your goldfish. So don't.

Most recently I was
Curiosity killed the cat, you know






Past Entries:

* The Last

* Looks like Adam's OUTTA HERE!

* I ain't voting for the city transit-fouling wussy.

* Why do I feel like an angsty teen again? (Maybe it's my fault; I should take it with a grain of salt...)

* Where are we now?