1999-12-10 - 11:39:22

;) Mike suggested last night that we both audition for movie extras together... that way, we could sort of look back and go "hey, remember when we did that?" ;) immortalized on film. I think it's a great idea. Something fun to do together. Cool ;)

Mum's agreed to have Mike over for New Year's, but best possible world would include Julz too (and since Julz would be there, we wouldn't wanna leave out Red, who lives in Scarberia, so her too), and Mum doesn't know if our bathroom could bare the strain of 6 people. Well, 1 bathroom and our infamous toilet-and-sink-without-walls-in-the-basement. I don't figure it would be that hard, cuz Red's an early-riser, so's Julz, well, Julz is a bit earlier than me, then there's me, and several hours later, there's Mike. Staggered. Daddy gets up at 9 latest cuz or else Tweetie goes mental, and Mum's awake, but not actually UP, then too. SO I don't figure it would be that hard. Anyway, Mum's gone and broken her foot, so it's not like she'll be getting up for a while. Don't really know how long. Would be awesome to have everyone over... ;) Like that Muchmusic video dance party thingy when their screen caught on fire and everyone ended up over here last year. That was cool. But too many people. 3 close friends, I could handle. Sleeping arrangements would be an issue. I don't know if I COULD suggest to my mom that Mike and I actually use the same bed... We've got 1 waterbed (parents'), 1 single (mine), and 1 folding double, which is bloody lumpy as a bed, but great as a couch to sleep on. Divide btw 4 people... seems obvious, don't it? BUT... well, Mike and I are ok on that score, except for the whole parents thing... Julz and Red would have to decide that for themselves. Plenty o' couches down here, but I hate sleeping in the extension, blindless windows and all... Don't think I'd mind if Mike was here tho.
You know, there was a mannequin on TV yesterday, an evil one, with frowning eyebrows and all, and I flipped out? Completely. I shrieked really loudly, then ran upstairs crying. This is getting worse. My mom thought I was just being stupid, but I really can't help it. When we were in the Min lounge last friday, there was a clown in the xmas tree, and i freaked out there, too, but Mike turned it around so it wasn't looking at me. He makes fun of me for it sometimes, but at least he takes it seriously too. Erik had an anti-clown thing, remember his mom mentioning it. Wish I knew a shrink I could ask about it. Mike thinks I was molested by a clown in a past life. Ummmm... well hey, it's possible. I think. With my luck, I was probably friggin' Barnum.... hmmmm... wordcross... association... Barnum and Lenne. Hm. Gonna be singing THAT all day now. (To Julz: reference to a song Erik wrote about his cous and I. About her being lesbian and my cutting. Ask Mike.) Gonna go eat, hungry. Latez.

Listenin' to
Thinkin' about

Back - Forth

This is a Diaryland project. Background image by Digital Hooligan (mah man!) If you try to steal bits of it, I'll come to your house and eat your goldfish. So don't.

Most recently I was
Curiosity killed the cat, you know






Past Entries:

* The Last

* Looks like Adam's OUTTA HERE!

* I ain't voting for the city transit-fouling wussy.

* Why do I feel like an angsty teen again? (Maybe it's my fault; I should take it with a grain of salt...)

* Where are we now?