2000-01-25 - 16:39:43

Hey! Reading thru other people's diaries on this thing, I realised that if you're reading mine, it must sound really messed up, cuz I'm writing to a specific audience and if you ain't one of them, you're confused. I never really introduced myself, anyway. Well, there's a link to my old page that i haven't touched in forever. and my OTHER old page, which i haven't touched since yahoo took over geocities- that's here. That introduces me, seeing as it's nearly everything i've had a passing interest in in the last 4 years. Anyway, to stop babbling- Hi, my name is Kerry, I'm an 18 (nearly 19!! It's March 13th, Mikey ;) y/o 1st year at the University of Toronto. Studying French, Irish, Communications Studies, and Philosophy. Went to Toronto French School my whole life, and my awesome friends from there are now spread all over the country, from Kingston to Halifax. Of the new friends I have made here, the above 4 are my closest- Kerry M, also know as Red, Dakk, Kirk, and of course, my unforgettable BF Mike. The saga of our relationship is on here, seeing as I met him in October- check around the 15th or 16th. We are, at some point, going to be making some sort of yearbook for ourselves, so I started by drawing people. YAY PSP! *lol* A ton of other people are going to be added, but I just felt like drawing the U of T gang. Also included in the yearbook will be fave Simpsons quotes, songs lyrics, photos, and of course, Timmins jokes (Mike's from Timmins, a small town in Northern Ontario- we've got some good ones going. nothing meant meanly, of course.)

Ok, I think that makes a fairly good introduction. You now know me. ;) Hi.

Listenin' to
Thinkin' about

Back - Forth

This is a Diaryland project. Background image by Digital Hooligan (mah man!) If you try to steal bits of it, I'll come to your house and eat your goldfish. So don't.

Most recently I was
Curiosity killed the cat, you know






Past Entries:

* The Last

* Looks like Adam's OUTTA HERE!

* I ain't voting for the city transit-fouling wussy.

* Why do I feel like an angsty teen again? (Maybe it's my fault; I should take it with a grain of salt...)

* Where are we now?