2000-12-20 - 01:37:10

Just been rereading "Interesting Times" for the thousandth time. I knew Lord Hong reminded me of someone- "Lord Hong was flying a kite. It was something he did perfectly. Lord Hong did everything perfectly. His watercolours were perfect. His poetry was perfect. Imaginative, original and definitely perfect. Lord Hong had long ago ceased pursuiing perfection because he already had it nailed up in a dungeon somewhere. Lord Hong was twenty-six, and thin, and handsome. He wore very small, very circular steel-rimmed spectacles. When asked to describe him, people often used the word "smooth"..." Do we see my point? What got me most about Aaron was that he made me feel dumb, only because he was so intelligent. I'm not used to anyone in general and guys in specific making me feel dumb. It was novel. Unsettling, but novel. He just icqed me to apologize for not being around, which was sweet. Seems like a lot of people are apologizing to me recently. Maybe I'm going to die and I'm the only one who doesn't know or something. Or maybe it's something about the new year...

I'm on an olive kick, but that involves fishing them out of the bloody little neck of the olive oil jar. Maybe I'm pregnant.


I should be studying. 15 mins, 15 mins!

If you don't mine, Chriss, I'll get you a candle but that's not my primary gift, which WILL also me for my use >:) well, not strictly mine... BWAHAHAHA. Actually, I've applied for a grant for my photography shit, so we need to talk about that, I won't know until August but eh, it would be $1000 minimum if i got it. I want to do a really big photographic display about female body image and shit. Yes, mum's diet is annoying me That Much.

Eric from work is... starting to be nice to me... um. I don't know how to say it without being mean or bigotted. Let me try- he's a really nice guy, very straight-edge, very decent, but if anyone had to be named Bubba based only on appearance, it would be him. Not exactly someone you bring home. Lots of tattoos in visible places, just a general sort of red-neck-ed-ness. Really nice guy tho. Bastard strangled me while I was talking to a respondent today, don't actually think she noticed tho. Slightly nervous, he's asking a lot of personal questions, not like intimate-personal but, you know, "how old are you", stuff like that. Still have no clue how old he is but i'd guess at mid-20s, maybe late. beh. no real inclination to go out with anyone right now, still somewhat in my "all guys want is sex" rut, james is right, all i want is a big cuddly waterbottle. Guys are bastards! (MHD said it first!)

I just remembered- when I was at work, I suddenly heard Galen's voice, really loud, go "I'm good at multi-tasking... well you need a headset like mine!" and I burst out laughing. Tu t'en souviens? Bien s�re. Et �a te manque? �a m'a fait du bien, me rappeler de �a, rire de �a. Et toi? Tu souries maintenant? Ou peut-�tre as-tu une larme � l'oeuil? Ou peut-�tre tu t'en moques, et de moi, et de mes souvenirs. Je n'ai aucune id�e. Mais �a me manque, � moi, de parler en fran�ais avec toi. Tu comprenais toujours. Notre code secr�te. �a me g�ne tellement que tu ne sembles plus comprendre. Suis-je tellement �th�r�e? Suis-je tellement diff�rente? Ne vaux-je plus la peine? Trop tard, trop tard, trop tard. Mes plus sinc�res excuses, Gardien...

Listenin' to
Thinkin' about

Back - Forth

This is a Diaryland project. Background image by Digital Hooligan (mah man!) If you try to steal bits of it, I'll come to your house and eat your goldfish. So don't.

Most recently I was
Curiosity killed the cat, you know






Past Entries:

* The Last

* Looks like Adam's OUTTA HERE!

* I ain't voting for the city transit-fouling wussy.

* Why do I feel like an angsty teen again? (Maybe it's my fault; I should take it with a grain of salt...)

* Where are we now?