Friday, Apr. 26, 2002 - 4:06 PM

I've found I can make a wicked cafe au lait. :) I've had about five today. Completely diet-conformatory, too.

Not that I'm really counting anymore.

Finished "Good Omens," which, as usual, I liked. Seriously thinking about linguistics now, and how much I hate it, and how much I don't want to study for it.

You know when you just have a flood of good ideas, or any ideas really, stuff to write about, but never get to a computer on time? There are like 5 different topics I wanted to talk about from the last 3 days, but can't remember a single one. Still feeling bad about Left-Eye dying- we used to be big TLC fans, back in the day... (somewhere around level 2 or 3...)

Finally getting rid of the Larry-candelabra (sp! ;). I only kept it out of spite anyway (taught Tweetie to sit on it and crap.) Don't have the space anymore, physical or mental :) Unless Chriss wants it, I'm putting it up for sale. Could market it as a parrot-jungle-gym. Heh. I was always so bloody angry about that... he gave me this 4' candelabra as a birthday present, and I was completely overwhelmed and furious, because there was no way in hell I could repay or match it... most of the things I did for him were personal, money wasn't exactly my forte in grade 12 (unlike NOW, of course... =p) Heh. Guess when you think about it, I needn't have worried, since we broke up before his birthday anyway. Still. It was too much. Too big. Like the moon-ring, too (still got that somewhere... one of my bookshelves, I think, unless Mum threw it out...)- too big, too much, tethering me to him. I felt indebted to him. Overwhelming for a 16 y/o. It's like Mum said- before Daddy, she had a really rich boyfriend who would always take her out to fancy restaurants and expensive operas and stuff, and she was innundated by presents and rich food, and couldn't take it. When she met Daddy, she was bloody thankful to be able to go out for hamburgers. I felt like that after Larry- happy that I could match present for present, that I could compete, in a sense. That not everything I did would be unappreciated because it wasn't expensive. I don't suppose he didn't appreciate everything I did, but you know... You always sensed a little disappointment that it was a hand-embroidered shirt he'd got, instead of something flashy and pricey. At least, in retrospect...

Still. I guess it was a good experience. Taught me that money isn't everything, and that kinda stuff.

And I'll be glad to have the extra space the candelabra's taking up :)

Listenin' to
Thinkin' about

Back - Forth

This is a Diaryland project. Background image by Digital Hooligan (mah man!) If you try to steal bits of it, I'll come to your house and eat your goldfish. So don't.

Most recently I was
Curiosity killed the cat, you know






Past Entries:

* The Last

* Looks like Adam's OUTTA HERE!

* I ain't voting for the city transit-fouling wussy.

* Why do I feel like an angsty teen again? (Maybe it's my fault; I should take it with a grain of salt...)

* Where are we now?