Monday, Aug. 19, 2002 - 9:28 AM

Well, everything got fixed for Saturday night- Chriss picked up R's ID, got to my house eventually, and Share met us there. A good but exhausting time.

work, back later.



It's been a good morning so far. Getting out of R's bed was super-hard, as usual, and I hard to force myself not to call in sick. *sigh* Yesterday was so nice... relaxing, sleeping, reading... R's disco strobe-lights... coconut moisturizer... anyway. It was nice. We stopped for a snack at York Mills, had a nice subway ride down. He went to Eaton Center for breakfast, got a haircut ;) Can't wait to see it.

In the middle of a Festival meeting with a bunch of people I don't know, including the councillor, Pam MacConnell, who's a twat, and Barrie Shavelle, the bylaws officer, who's a bitch. Joice is, needless to say, tense. She's currently looking out the window and trying to ignore Barrie, which isn't working very well. Barrie's 60-something, with a low, gravelly, cigarette-voice. Oh dear. She's being put on the spot. The afternoon's gonna be miserable. And it's raining. *sigh*

I miss R.

Age was... interesting. Nice.

Cramps from Hell. Got ring changed with Maribelle (can never go there without a 20-minute chat,) scarring should go away soon (yay!)Really miss R. Doing Toronto Star Crossword Online (I love the internet.) Feel word-ful, but not with anything to say (tired?) Wearing Nympho Socks, and even that isn't inspiring me.

5 hours ago, I was in bed....


Favourite quote of the day:

"Fuck beans!" (Marshal Willenholly, "Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back")

Work was ok, I guess. It was good to get out of there. Came home, played, went to bed for 3 hours, R called and eventually woke me up (I'm not a good wakee- apparently I stole all the blankets before he went to bed last night; nice change. ;) I apparently gave some back tho.) Had Shower, had little bit of smoked salmon (which still doesn't float my boat- tastes too fishy), raw mushrooms and Tootsie Rolls for dinner, did mundane ironing/laundry stuff, divvied up the 5lb. bag of Tootsie Roll products I bought (figure they're clearing out from Halloween last year, since less kids went out, because of Sept. 11), gave Daddy a Secret Stash for work, left an Obvious Stash for Mum (hey, it was either that or have her hide the lot,) and kept a work Stash and a few private ones for Rick and for me (and them, too, but I'm whatsit, rationing. Have to wait 'til next paycheque to buy another bag, having written Mum a $600 cheque for school.)

While I was doing all this boring mundane (sugary?) work, I was trying to figure out my "Amelie" definition, which I've been wondering about since I saw it again. For those ill-trained, uncouth lot of you who haven't seen it (I mean come on, Rick and Matt both watched it twice in the same day! WILLINGLY! Matt even watched it on his own!), in "Amelie," they introduce characters by explaining their likes and dislikes. Like, "Ceci est Amandine Poulain, nee Fouet. [tic nerveuse] Elle n'aime pas quand quelqu'un qu'elle ne connait pas l'effleur du main [shot of the grocer brushing her hand and her snatching it away, looking bothered.] Elle n'aime pas avoir les marque des draps sur la visage. [shot of her waking up with crease-marks on her cheek] Amandine aime: polir le parquet avec ses patins [shot of her shuffling on the carpet.] Vider sa sac-a-main, le bien nettoyer, et tout y remettre. [cleaning purse]" Etc. I konw there was one pro and one con I've forgotten, but I can't remember what they were. Hence the whole "forgetting" thing. ("I call it "The Laser"..." [quotation-mark fingers]).
ANYWAY, I've been trying to figure out what it would be for me. A summing up of my personality through idiosyncracies in 6 short phrases or less. Hard.

"Celle la est Kerry. Elle aime: se desiner sur le bras quand elle est ennuiee; acheter les singes en peluche et les nommer tous "Fred"; manger du g�teau au fromage a la fraise avec son copain, le vendredi soir. Elle n'aime pas: quand ses perforations lui donnent des problems; quand quelqu'un qu'elle ne connait pas lui regard manger; etre en retard (elle our les autres.)"

I think that's pretty accurate- it couldn't have been in English tho, just like "Amelie" couldn't have English voice-overs. It just wouldn't work.

And now that I've Amelie-defined myself, I'm going to bed (with a bag of Tootise Rolls, of course.) ;) Can't wait 'til Wednesday- seeing R again ;) In the meantime, got dinner at Joice's tomorrow- wish me luck?

Underneath your clothes
There's an endless story
There's the man I chose
There's my territory
And everything I deserve
For being such a good girl
For being such a good girl...

Readin' "Good Omens", which I forgot at Rick's- damn!
Listenin' to festival meeting
Thinkin' about getting my ring replaced at lunchtime.

Back - Forth

This is a Diaryland project. Background image by Digital Hooligan (mah man!) If you try to steal bits of it, I'll come to your house and eat your goldfish. So don't.

Most recently I was
Curiosity killed the cat, you know






Past Entries:

* The Last

* Looks like Adam's OUTTA HERE!

* I ain't voting for the city transit-fouling wussy.

* Why do I feel like an angsty teen again? (Maybe it's my fault; I should take it with a grain of salt...)

* Where are we now?