Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2002 - 3:20 PM

;) Parents brought me back all kinda of cool things from their trip. Various cosmetics, a very small pumpkin ("It's cute! We stole it from a field!" "NO we didn't. Ted!"), a cool alarm clock that looks like a blue IMac, a CHOPPER! (If you've ever spent more than 5 minutes watching that infomercial with me, about that cool chopping thingy, you'll know I'm just lucky I don't have a credit card.) They bought me one!! Tried it on a small tomato, didn't work, but I'm not daunted yet! Gonna try with some of my HOME GROWN beans later ;) AND... Mum got me a KICK-ASS HARLEY DAVIDSON MUG!!! ;) She went into a Harley Davidson store, looking for a little clock that goes on the end of a zip (she bought one in Michigan, it's really small and cool), couldn't find one so she bought me this GIANT mug! It holds double what a regular mug holds, and it's got gold paint all over, and it's REALLY COOL!!! ;) Sometimes, my mom really rocks. Daddy was all miffed she went into the store without him (he was browsing around the RadioShack, looking for a catalogue for R.) ;) Anyway, it was a good reunion, and sushi was had by all ;) Gonna go read now!


Somewhat irritated about all this Tent City shite (they evicted everyone living on the land.) There are a bunch bunch of faults on both sides, and everyone's being so damn 1-sided about it:

1) If I've known they were going to tear it down last month, I'm sure other people did. Admittedly, I knew because the BIA office is The Place To Be for gossip about east Toronto, but it's not like it was a big hidden secret.
2) While legality is a pretty poor excuse when you don't have a roof, most of them didn't HAVE to be there. There are TONS of gov. programs available. There's a new hotline number (211) that has info about social services. There is no reason for someone to be on the street in Toronto if they want to work and have shelter.

More on this later.


Ok, not more on it, because I can't be bothered. Suffice it to say I think people who are all "The cruel bastards! Those poor homeless people!" are naive and sheltered and also know dick-all about the situation. And the people who are like "Good! They made the place ugly!" are just a little insensitive. Anyway.

Have decided to go ahead and apply for M.A. program, and if there are any beaurocracy probs at all (i.e. the missing Anthro course), I'm going to take 3 courses next year, one of which will be anthro, upgrade my marks, complete the req.'s, and work part-time. Might be a good idea. :) Feel better to have options. Wrote a letter to Kalmar, who happens to be my semiotics prof this year, to ask about the project and open a dialogue about grad school. He's on the anthro board, Danesi is on the semiotics board... just covering my bases... ;)

Readin' anything
Listenin' to "Sweet" (Switchblade Symphony)
Thinkin' about procrastinating on tomorrow's homework, the poster sale at Bahen

Back - Forth

This is a Diaryland project. Background image by Digital Hooligan (mah man!) If you try to steal bits of it, I'll come to your house and eat your goldfish. So don't.

Most recently I was
Curiosity killed the cat, you know






Past Entries:

* The Last

* Looks like Adam's OUTTA HERE!

* I ain't voting for the city transit-fouling wussy.

* Why do I feel like an angsty teen again? (Maybe it's my fault; I should take it with a grain of salt...)

* Where are we now?