Friday, Aug. 15, 2003 - 11:03 PM

Word of the day: wanking.

Eg. "I wanking hate wanking Toronto 'cuz all the wanking power is out!" (Wanking!)

We got our power back around 1:30pm, half an hour before I was supposed to go to work, but Jeff said I didn't have to anyway. I've been feeling like a caged beast (despite the 3 Pratchetts I bought at the used bookstore at Eglinton and Bayview. The guy said he'd put some aside for me when he got them in. I'm going to start actually collecting Pratchetts, to put in my new bookcase [which I haven't bought yet, but I've chosen off the IKEA site.]) Seriously, it's great how quiet it's been, and you could actually see the stars last night, but it's bloody hot and I was trapped inside with my parents. Who are having a party tomorrow and thus I was forced into cleaning. Bugger it.

On the topic of my new bookcase, the Urban Renewal Project is making more headway than anything else I've had on my mind recently- I haven't done any measuring, but I think I've chosen most of the furniture I want. Going to splurge on a work-station at work (yay staff discount!), and go with either the IKEA FL�RKE bookcase (I don't need anything fancy, and I could paint it black) or the ROBIN bookcase, which would match the ROBIN chest of drawers, which is decent enough (although now that I'm flipped through again... there are a few more nice ones...)

Things which are non-negotiable:

  1. the plants: are least one zebra plant, at least one droopy ivy thing
  2. the books and, hence, bookends; I would be shocked and amazed if we didn't have any bookends somewhere in this house, but the basement is a terrible beast unto itself and I'm not bloody brave enough, and IKEA has some for a buck anyway
  3. the extra lighting, hopefully a combination of desk lamps and cabinet lighting; I just wish the bookshelf didn't have a backing to every single shelf, but I think we all know I'm clutzy enough as it is without encouraging things like potted plants to go flying. Maybe I can just take the back off the top shelf.
  4. the dry-erase/magnet clip-board. I have ALWAYS wanted a dry-erase board and NEVER had one. SO I'm damn-well getting one.
  5. A cordless phone. I have a moral problem with spending more than $40 on a phone, even one I want, especially that cute Vtech with the changeable plates which playes tunes like "All The Small Things" and "Lady Marmelade" and "We Will Rock You" and the James Bond theme, and has little animated people when you have a call or a message (not that I have call-display or Bell Answer Service), but Dean's right (for once) and I'd get pretty fed up pretty fast. But there's an elegant "bedroom phone" (whatever the hell that is) with a clock and a radio in it, it's a GE but you can't win them all, and it's about a hundred bucks too. This might become my gift to myself, post-decorating.
  6. Some pegs to hang things on when I'm too damn tired to put them away (also a laundry hamper for this same purpose.) My wonderful recycled hat-stand/coat-rack will have to go.

Things which are negotiable, depending on budget and more importantly, space:

  1. One of those big satellite chairs they have at Pier 1 for $150 at the moment (incidentally, they're hiring, so after I've bought all my furniture from BB, I'm going to apply.) Those are so cool. And if I'm actually kitting out my room as a Stronghold Against My Mother, I'm gonna need somewhere comfortable to curl up.
  2. A new computer chair (swivelly.) It's not like I use chairs properly anyway, I prefer crossing my legs, and I've even managed to pervert my Ergonomic Kneeling Stool into cross-legged usage, but it's not all that comfortable. But with Matt's ever-growing collection, I may be able to buy one off him.
  3. If not a satellite chair, then a hanging one (also IKEA.) It doesn't look THAT amazingly comfortable, but I'd like to give it a go. And hey, it's cheap and could be put up right over my bed to avoid (or at least minimize) accidents.
  4. A fridge. There's a nice 3.6 cubic feet one at work, black or white, with a freezer, for just under $200 (including tax and Service Plan, which I wouldn't necessarily get but Julia was the one doing the inputting, not me.) Logic dictates, however, that this should be as a last resort, because it's a wanking fridge.

I feel bitten to hell, and rather tired (was up with the crows this morning because of the bloody heat and the whole helplessness thing- 7:30am.) I have no doubt I'll be cleaning again tomorrow anyway.

Readin' The Truth
Listenin' to silence, but at least not grating "nothing's turned on" silence. A good solid background of white noise going.
Thinkin' about "After-bite" and iced tea

Back - Forth

This is a Diaryland project. Background image by Digital Hooligan (mah man!) If you try to steal bits of it, I'll come to your house and eat your goldfish. So don't.

Most recently I was
Curiosity killed the cat, you know






Past Entries:

* The Last

* Looks like Adam's OUTTA HERE!

* I ain't voting for the city transit-fouling wussy.

* Why do I feel like an angsty teen again? (Maybe it's my fault; I should take it with a grain of salt...)

* Where are we now?