Sunday, Jul. 25, 2004 - 5:14 PM

Things You Probably Didn't Know About Me:

- Country Music is the only music genre that makes me cry
-I have a passion for 1940s radio dramas about Sherlock Holmes, and 1960s comedy
-I have, in my life, collected stickers, stamps, baseball cards, Star Trek cards, Pratchett books and stuffed monkeys; I still have all these collections.
-I've saved my mother's life, and she's saved mine, on at least one occasion each
-I abhor war and doing the washing up with a passion.
-My eyes turn a bright, fake aquamarine when I cry, otherwise they can vary between light grey and dark blue.
-I've never been in love with anyone under 6'.
-My favourite types of books are about alternate realities, utopias and dystopias: semi-realistic ways things could be different.
-My grandfather was my hero. He died of lung cancer when I was 13. I only found out last year that he was a sniper in WW2. I have never smoked a cigarette in my life.
-I'm the biggest female Trekgeek you'll ever meet -- I draw the line at dressing up, though.
-I knew Rick and I would end up together within the first week we started dating.
-I feel like I could be really artistic, if only I could find the right medium. Apparently, the wrong mediums include paint, pen, marker, pencil (unless it's eyes I'm drawing), writing (although determined to get C's help in finishing off my Novel), sewing, clay, dance or cookery. Poetry might have a shot though. Thinking of publishing some stuff.
-I tend to unconsciously be drawn to Canadian Indy music. I usually stop listening to the bands that make it big, although I'm still proud of them.
-I am constitutionally incapable of putting down a good book. There's only a 50-50 chance I'll put down a bad book.
-I'm extremely petty. However, I'm very aware of this and manage to, for the most part, keep it under wraps.
-I am a secret authority on OCD, laptops, cordless phones, mortgages and parrots. No one ever suspects until they happen to bring those topics up.
-I am nearly exactly like my mother. This last one scares me.


Been cleaning out my room for the electrician who's rewiring our house this week. (Wiring circa 1923 is apparently not legal in Ontario. Who knew?) As much as I hate not having much space to work with, it was kinda neat discovering things I hadn't seen in a while. My "Greyest of Blue Skies" CD, which is cool cuz work's having a sale on Finger 11 stuff and I was going to buy it again this week (still buying "Tip" and "Finger 11" because they're $10. TEN BUCKS, PEOPLE! For sexy James! SEXY JAMES, YOU CRAZY MOFOS!) A bunch of earrings, and photos, and PJs, and shoes. To all the people I complain to about not having any clothes: I take it all back, I DO have lots of clothes, and they're all BLACK. Apparently the last time I did some serious shopping, I was 17. Flipped through textbooks and yearbooks, reliving the last 6 years in a matter of hours. [How could I forget I was named "Most obsessed with Edwin" in Level 5? Gotta get "Scenery and Fish" too. Too bad I spent my giftcard on 7 packs of winegums for R ;)] Got a WHOLE BOX with nothing but Freds in, packed to the brim. Finally threw out some clothes bequeathed to me by Mike(knowingly! I didn't steal anything! Although I also currently have Rick's Party Shirt, a pair of his pants, and am wearing his Fear Factory shirt again. NOT THE POINT! FOCUS, PEOPLE!) Felt good to lose the dead-weight. (And to think that, only 4 years ago, I had the gall to announce to John "I don't have any excess baggage!" What kind of crack was I on?) The cleaning leaves me aware that I still haven't done my Grand Summing Up of University Life, or of BB either yet, although granted I'm still there. It's leaving a gap, a sucking cavity carved from a healthy tooth, bothersome and, as yet, unfilled.

Also, Michelle has finally completed one of her (and my) ongoing ambitions, which was to get a tattoo. (I'm very impressed.) With the loss of my last bellybutton ring, I've been aching for something new. Also, since my godmother (who's nearing, if not already at, 60) got a tattoo last X-mas (thank you Futurama, now whenever I hear that, I think of Killer Santas), I've been thinking about the one I want more and more. Pros: it's based on a design by Paul Kidby, although not exactly like it, which means it comes from a Pratchett book. Say what you like, Pratchett's been one of the main constants in my life since age 15. So anyway, it has special meaning to me. And it's all about creation myths anyway. And I think it could look really gorgeous. CON: Matt's tattoo reacted VERY BADLY and looked REALLY GROSS and I wouldn't put it past my body to pull something similar; if it fades, it'll just look like a big blue-green blob; it's big enough that if I get huge OR skinny, warping will be noticeable; it would probably need to be fairly big, a few inches across, and big lumpy stuff looks bad, generally.
Was also tossing around the idea of having R's initials (in a heart -- duh...) done on the sole of my left big toe, and my "PoMoFo" thing done on my right. That way they wouldn't be too obvious, I'd know they were there, and I could say something uber-cheesy like "He's my SOLE-MATE" or "His name's engraved on my SOLE" or "It's a philosophy I support from the depth of my SOLE" or some such other trite super-shit. But money's tight (although I admit it would't be if I could just stop buying myself stuff; still, got ALL my vacation pay on the cheque after next), and there are other things to spend it on. Looks like I might have to go to England for Xmas, to see Granny and all. And R wants a detour in London, cesspit of the U.K. that it is (it rained every time I've been, and anyway it's smoggy and too much like Toronto without the appeal of being Toronto. Always wanted to go to Madam Tusaud's tho.) I'll have the cash for it by September, but still, don't know when or if exams will happen.

Exams. I've been worrying about school. Been out of the loop for a year- am I going to fuck around or sail through it all? Nervous: I've never really had a practical class before. I'm used to reading (which I didn't normally do) and essays twice a year (which I normally did the night before.) I'm used to theory and philosophy and ideas and debates and tutorials and "class participation." I'm not used to technical stuff and, not to put too fine a point on it, maths. Might end up getting a tutor for the economics bit.

And I'm very scared that suddenly, I might suck at something rather badly.

Readin' nothing. Just finished "Order of the Phoenix"
Listenin' to Bird chattering- we think he never actually found his water dish, and hasn't had anything to drink in 2 weeks. Daddy put up
Thinkin' about pressures in general. Nervous about going back to school.

Back - Forth

This is a Diaryland project. Background image by Digital Hooligan (mah man!) If you try to steal bits of it, I'll come to your house and eat your goldfish. So don't.

Most recently I was
Curiosity killed the cat, you know






Past Entries:

* The Last

* Looks like Adam's OUTTA HERE!

* I ain't voting for the city transit-fouling wussy.

* Why do I feel like an angsty teen again? (Maybe it's my fault; I should take it with a grain of salt...)

* Where are we now?