2001-01-18 - 20:36:57

why? am i right?

I was walking through Queen's Park, carrying on a meaningless little internal dialogue, musing about the snow and the involuntary skating rink that's formed in the middle of the park. Trundled over to investigate, jumped up and down for a while to crack the ice a bit around a tree so it would take less time to melt. Saw a footprint frozen in the ice- guy's, to judge by the length. I tried it on, then stepped harder and made it my own. Continues walking through Queen's Park, thinking about how warm and sunny and nice it is; stopped, sneezed, apologized to the trees (but not the ground, it was getting tricky to walk over all that pointy ice), kept walking; stopped to make fun of a trio of girls in thick-soled, high-heeled shoes who were trying to cross the ice without falling over. The third one, a somewhat-fat black girl, was being the odd one out- how typical, if you're not under a size 5 then you're worth nothing to some people. Ya hear Gap's come out with a size 0? I'd be frickin' ashamed to admit I was a size 0, it's like making fun of yourself- "I'm so anorexic they had to give me a size that isn't actually measurable..." It's crazy-bull. Size 1s are sad enough- very few people could wear them, and it's not healthy dammit!

Saw RJ (the guy) on tuesday... shaved off the goatee, looks more and more like marcus maclean now. black hair. was talking to him, he is so sweet. Not even 24, either... :) were just chatting the whole time... :) I'm going to go back to him. After I've bought the phone (This is the baby i want, same as dakk and pearl have), i want to make sure i can get 2 at the same time... :) oh RJ... what a cutie... hope i don't get jon again, he was slimey.

been hacking my lungs out, getting dirty looks (in kelly library)... here i am, taking swigs of cough syrup out of a benylin bottle as if it were whiskey... and maybe it is. maybe it is... no, it's not. i can tell. gah. at least my coughing woke me up in religion tutorial, i could sense he was giving me dirty looks but just couldn't be bothered to open my eyes. ashley was in physics today, we just sat and bitched about being there... he used to work at the pita pit next to stein's, DAMN why didn't i ever see him? he's just quit, anyway, said something about delivering bread? arghghgh, bread.... arghghghgh, ashley... um. well, yes, actually. arghghgh ashley.

ewwww, i've just coughed all over the screen. tears streaming down my face, i must look like i just got a break-up email or something. beh. i hate my nasal tract... what do you call it? the ear/nose/throat system? gah, right now they're ALL causing probs. MAN that's an ugly girl.

:) Wayne just asked me out for friday. how sweet. :) Ty lives at yonge&bloor- convenient. :) we'll see we'll see we'll see...

Listenin' to
Thinkin' about

Back - Forth

This is a Diaryland project. Background image by Digital Hooligan (mah man!) If you try to steal bits of it, I'll come to your house and eat your goldfish. So don't.

Most recently I was
Curiosity killed the cat, you know






Past Entries:

* The Last

* Looks like Adam's OUTTA HERE!

* I ain't voting for the city transit-fouling wussy.

* Why do I feel like an angsty teen again? (Maybe it's my fault; I should take it with a grain of salt...)

* Where are we now?