Wednesday, Sept. 26, 2001 - 10:43 AM

DADDY GOT THE BOOK! (from york) So why am I not reading it...? Shut up.

Very tired, despite sleeping since 8PM last night. We went out to Ye Olde Fishe Shoppe, in Leaside (parents' fave restaurant), and I had a hard lemonade and... yes, it's true... was wobbling by the time I left. Just one! Sad sad sad.... Anyway, so went home to sleep it off, and I'm still tiredish. Meeting mum at Sid Smith later so she can look over the poster sale, then going home and sleeping more- that should have me all caught up for the last few days. I spent most of Monday night trying to graft my torso to Marilyn Monroe's ass, and I think I've done it- I'll post the pics when I get home.

Skipping religion&philo, cuz we're still on logic and I did it in level 4 and it's BORING and MOST OF ALL that room is FREEZING COLD and that pisses me off. So I'm going to go read. in 10 minutes (I DO have morals, after all, I'm not just skipping class to play on Neopets or something...)

Rick's gone to work and I miss him. Woooo! Thought! The Golden Griddle on front st. has a "all the pancakes you can eat for $3" deal. If they ALL do... THAT'S where we'll go to breakfast tomorrow morning! (BABY!) BIGASS craving for pancakes today!

[word of the week: bigass.]

So generally cheerful, nothing wrong except being slightly embarassed at my recollections of expounding to my parents on exactly why i like supermarkets last night, on the way home... but they just thought it was funny. Well, daddy did, anyway. Wow, a girl who looks JUST LIKE julia roberts is sitting across from me, only with brown straight hair. but IDENTICAL faces. crazy.

Just looking through The Knot, which, before you find out the hard way, is a bridal site. (DON'T PANIC SWEETIE!) I just like looking through those- it seems like nothing is ever as beautiful, expensive or effort-consuming as a wedding dress. Even fat chicks look good in them, or at least dignified, like expensive, expansive, decorated yachts. (This would be why I like them.) Think of it like "Breakfast at Tiffany's"- I'm exactly like Audrey Hepburn in that. And the wedding favours- I mean, come on! 10 little baskets for $9! Where else are you going to find that? (The objective mind asks "Why the hell do you need 10 little baskets?" To the objective mine- shut up.) And candy hearts with stuff like "Say 'I do' " on them and stuff, $7/lb! (granted, I don't like those, but still...) And disposable cameras for $5! Where else do you find disposables for $5?! And the scroll-candleholder thing, $3! That's good! And 100 feet of personalized ribbon saying "Beth and David May 5, 2005" for $25! COME ON PEOPLE!
I think that it isn't so much that all this stuff is cheap and all, but it's that it's a luxury you wouldn't normally consider EXCEPT for something like a wedding. That's it really- weddings are excuses to spend lots of money you wouldn't usually on stuff you wouldn't look twice at otherwise. And everyone loves it! I think I have a hangup about stuff like that because I'm afraid of "Always a bridesmaid, never a bride" kind of thing. Not really afriad per se, but... isn't everyone afraid of getting old alone? (Personalized ice cream scoop!! DAMN!!! And those pillow mints, you know, how you used to get in restaurants...) We were talking in "human nature" yesterday about how the urge to get more and more money (or power, or equivalent) is a basic human desire, because we need to satisfy current needs and future needs, and have the power to satisfy those needs at all times. I don't think it's materialism, I think it's insecurity. Like the fear of getting old alone- you just want to make sure you're going to be ok in the future... That's all you need really, to be ok...

There's a guy in my lit class who looks and acts like a cross between Ryan and Donnie- Donnie's face and outlook and voice, Ryan's appearance, dress and "diss-the-establishment-ism." Weird mix. He was kind of a prick tho, but he admitted it.

Guess I can stop looking at chocolate-covered almonds now...

I want pretzels. Back tonight.

Listenin' to
Thinkin' about

Back - Forth

This is a Diaryland project. Background image by Digital Hooligan (mah man!) If you try to steal bits of it, I'll come to your house and eat your goldfish. So don't.

Most recently I was
Curiosity killed the cat, you know






Past Entries:

* The Last

* Looks like Adam's OUTTA HERE!

* I ain't voting for the city transit-fouling wussy.

* Why do I feel like an angsty teen again? (Maybe it's my fault; I should take it with a grain of salt...)

* Where are we now?