Thursday, May. 16, 2002 - 9:35 PM

SOOO tired. We went to St. Stephen's, the HRDC employment center, and it was kinda neat and I am now worth $2/hr from the government to whatever place hires me, so they don't have to pay me so much. Yay! We (Michelle & I) walked from Bathurst & St. Clair (John-Sucksville- actually, the place is directly off his street) to Yonge and Bloor, so I'm tired. Ran into Ritu, David Arcus, and some girl I know from somewhere but can't remember where. I got yellow-polkadotted underwear (yes, Gap, unfortunately), cuz they look cute. And now I'm SOOOOOO tired. I HAVE to go to bed. Talk more tomorrow. MWAH!

Listenin' to
Thinkin' about

Back - Forth

This is a Diaryland project. Background image by Digital Hooligan (mah man!) If you try to steal bits of it, I'll come to your house and eat your goldfish. So don't.

Most recently I was
Curiosity killed the cat, you know






Past Entries:

* The Last

* Looks like Adam's OUTTA HERE!

* I ain't voting for the city transit-fouling wussy.

* Why do I feel like an angsty teen again? (Maybe it's my fault; I should take it with a grain of salt...)

* Where are we now?