Thursday, May. 23, 2002 - 11:16 PM

Have now passed the 600-entry mark (this is #601.) Milestones come in many shapes and sizes...

I'm wondering about morality, and whether you should keep immoral friends, and comfort levels, and sin...

And I'm thinking a lot about churches, and Hell ("Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man," which I'm tackling again after 4 years, seems very certain about Hell; I don't know how Larry ever understood it, the beginning is so full of Irish references I barely got them all THIS time around...)

Am thinking about death, and the dead bird that broke its neck when it flew into our window, and how Daddy tried to revive it, and what it means to die... now, tho, as opposed to 6 years ago, when I was fascinated, I find myself repelled and scared. I don't want to be apart from my loved ones... a good life is so fragile, how can people take it away so coldly?

Am thinking about comfort levels, how I had a chipmunk 6" away from my hand yesterday, how I had a chickadee on my table and another a foot from my head today; how I'm scared by unpredictable things which now include my mother; how my cousin Jacob always freaked me out because I always got the feeling he was more intelligent than me (should that be "I"?), but I'm talking to him for the first time in my life because of Hythe4U, of which he is the editor. This kid makes Hermione look like an underachiever. I'm starting to wish I could get to know all my cousins better- I really miss Loz & J. They were like having siblings of my own. I wish I had a sister like Jenny, except I'd be worrying about her a lot; a brother like Loz would be fantastic, and all my friends would be hitting on him too (will post pics when I get my picture-CD back from Rick this weekend.) I feel somewhat estranged from them all- understandable, really, seeing as we're on different continents...

Thinking about the future. Things seem to be shaping up, coming together, and sometimes I want life to hurry up so I can get to the exciting bits, and sometimes I want everything to slow down so I don't miss a day.

Thinking about next week- have an interview for the customer service center of Home Depot, which I have a fair chance of getting. Applied to a few other things, too. I want to feel responsible for myself again, financially self-sufficient, valuable. I want to start an RRSP account, help Rick with rent, maybe start a savings fund for grad school... I want to have the power to do things, really. I want to go to TT (see banner at bottom) and splurge on a big West-Tower room with all the works, and be able to stop worrying about bus money, and treat Rick to the Texas Cheesecake Massacre for his birthday, and buy "Amelie" and all the Pratchett books I want (just uploading pic of Him now. Will scan my autograph as soon as I fix the scanner. For now, imagine a big loopy squiggle.) I really hate money because we're all, in the end, slaves to it. Sometimes I really wish I could live on a Walden II-type commune. It sounds so reasonable.

And right now, I want a tattoo. This is mostly due to Amanda Marshall's "Oh My God" song, which reminds me a lot of second year. I want a gecko tattoo, but not much. Definitely want my "PoMoFo" tattoo... heh... still cracks me up... Kingwell would like it... pity about the gay thing, really...

Just found picture of Pili (Pilaprat, my level 4/5 French prof.) Man I miss him sometimes...

Listenin' to
Thinkin' about

Back - Forth

This is a Diaryland project. Background image by Digital Hooligan (mah man!) If you try to steal bits of it, I'll come to your house and eat your goldfish. So don't.

Most recently I was
Curiosity killed the cat, you know






Past Entries:

* The Last

* Looks like Adam's OUTTA HERE!

* I ain't voting for the city transit-fouling wussy.

* Why do I feel like an angsty teen again? (Maybe it's my fault; I should take it with a grain of salt...)

* Where are we now?