Sunday, Jul. 28, 2002 - 5:56 PM


Had a good weekend. Full of friends and junk food and "Amelie." Despite the fact that I'm scared of what I become when it's too hot (i.e. irrational brute), we had a good weekend. R even liked "Amelie" enough to watch it twice in a row! :) Much ado with freezies, rice crispie blobs and Alex's wonderful truffle thingy.

On Cross-Country Check-up, Rex Murphy was talking about the Pope and last night's broadcast of the Papal Mass. I called in, but the line was busy. Frankly, I've seen the Pope twice, and both times he was just a blob in a crowd, like he's always been to me. I don't like the whole "cult of personality" thing around him tho. I think that Catholics need a Jesus-On-Earth, since He's been dead for 2000 years... But hey. I can't be bothered with that right now. It's hot and I need cereal and Pratchett.


My hero-worship returned, I started (for long-time Neopets friend Perdita) a Pratchett page, with His books on: here. :) (Pic's light cuz I lightened it for a background, obviously...)

Fixating on "Sk8ter Boi" (yay Avril!) Reminds me a lot of Couz Loz. We're talking vaguely about his coming down here neat year or the year after, maybe sfter school, to live down here for a while. Hopefully I'll be outta here by then. :) It'd have fun with Loz around, we're both Lonely Onlies, it would be like having a little brother who's actually cool :)

Thinkin' about the changes I've gone through in the last 36 months. I used to be so extroverted, going out with Cassis every week (decided to get her a fan, since she doesn't have air conditioning), and now I'm super-introverted- love hanging out with my select group of friends who know me really well, get cranky if I don't have down-time and an hour's reading-time. Is it part of a cycle, or is this me for good? C commented that I'm a lot quieter and more mellow around Rick, which is true- we hang out so much, we can say a lot without words. We're comfortable around each other. I never really realized how quiet I come off, tho.

And now, I'm hitting a turning-point in my relationships with others; within myself. My last year of University- I might not even be in school next year, for the first time in my life. Possibility of being self-supporting. R getting a new job- other doors opening. C being back in town for a year for the first time since highschool- my time rearranging. Driving, too, has affected my temperament- I feel more free, more joyful, but more arrogant. Kinda glad I waited this long, or I woulda been a holy terror when I was 16. Desperately want a car to call my own, to clean and polish and lick and sing lullabies to at night. Nearly convinced Daddy that a 1985 BMW (going for $1225) was a good idea, except that, as Byron pointed out, a BMW isn't a good first car to have. A hub-cap comes off and suddenly, Goodbye Grad School. I want a convertible, anyway (WANT THAT '69 CUTLASS!) I've never even been in one, and frankly, I need a PimpMobile. Speaking of Byron, he is officially the first person ever to get my PoMoFo tattoo- kinda scary, since he tends to talk about his gun-obsession and his dog which kills people. =p Erg.

(I'm sorry, Sakti. I'm here. I'll always be here. I love you.)

Readin' "Men At Arms" (Pratchett)
Listenin' to "Marry Me" (Amanda Marshall)
Thinkin' about

Back - Forth

This is a Diaryland project. Background image by Digital Hooligan (mah man!) If you try to steal bits of it, I'll come to your house and eat your goldfish. So don't.

Most recently I was
Curiosity killed the cat, you know






Past Entries:

* The Last

* Looks like Adam's OUTTA HERE!

* I ain't voting for the city transit-fouling wussy.

* Why do I feel like an angsty teen again? (Maybe it's my fault; I should take it with a grain of salt...)

* Where are we now?