Thursday, Mar. 27, 2003 - 10:53 PM

I just cooked the best damn steak I've ever had. :) Hmmmmm.... protein....
(I can't decide if it's sad or not that I'm thinking of food in terms of protein and carbs now....)

TODAY... started out nice and fluffy. I got up late, around 1:15pm. I pottered, checked email, smiled at a cute one from R. A little while later, R calls for the Telehealth number- he'd been near-fainting at work, thought he might have a neck injury. Calls me back after 20 minutes, during which time I, stressed and worried, have done the washing up and the ironing and eaten the half-can of soup that was all my daily sustinence until 5 minutes ago. He wants to go to the hospital, I recommend Toronto General or Mt. Sinai and say I'll meet him in half an hour at work. Run like hell to get clothes on and teeth brushed. No bus money- dig out bike, thank the God of Bike Locks who chucked one on the floor right in front of me, grabbed nearest helmet from the basement (as it happens, it was mine), and high-tail to the store. (In theory- in fact, I was worn out by the end of our street, cursing my flabby legs and wonky lungs, and by the time I got to Bloor, I was wheezing asmatically and half-sobbing, fully ready to keel over and die. Got off my bike at the only red light I didn't blow and ran, jelly-legged and ready to pass out myself, the last block to a bike rack, where I found that my lock doesn't lock unless you have the key, which I didn't think I did, but remembered 5 hours later that I actually had.) Collected a shaky R from work and headed off for Mt. Sinai, during which time I coughed like hell and (yes, the Baby Jesus is sending me to perdition for this one) mentioned loudly on the subway that I had SARS, but it would probably be ok. Was still coughing and wheezing a bit by the time we got to Emerg, and the mask thing we had to wear didn't help at all. Luckily, the room was nearly empty, so we got in after a mere 45 minutes. He had something called Torticollis, which is basically "a contracted state of the cervical muscles, producing torsion of the neck." And near-fainting, apparently. NOT, all in all, an auspicious start to the day. Work was alright tho, and a customer said I was wonderful to another customer, which cheered me up.

Unfortunately, a) my bike was still there when we went to go look, and b) I forgot to take the seat pad, so my ass hurts like HELL. I'm never biked that hard in my life, and I'm never planning to again.

Readin' nothing
Listenin' to "Lords & Ladies" (read by Tony Robinson)
Thinkin' about the sneeze I'm about to perpetrate

Back - Forth

This is a Diaryland project. Background image by Digital Hooligan (mah man!) If you try to steal bits of it, I'll come to your house and eat your goldfish. So don't.

Most recently I was
Curiosity killed the cat, you know






Past Entries:

* The Last

* Looks like Adam's OUTTA HERE!

* I ain't voting for the city transit-fouling wussy.

* Why do I feel like an angsty teen again? (Maybe it's my fault; I should take it with a grain of salt...)

* Where are we now?