Sunday, Dec. 28, 2003 - 11:06 PM

Survey from C, which I probably should have answered a long time ago. Hence doing it here. Ta-da:

[ series 1 - you ]

-- Name: Kerry Elizabeth

-- Birthday: march 13, 1981

-- Birthplace: Mt. Sinai, Toronto, Ontario

-- Current Location: the ex-dining room, which is now "the computer room with the puzzle in it."

-- Eye Color: blue-grey

-- Hair Color: at the moment, DARK brown. 3 hours ago, mixed blonde.

-- Righty or Lefty: righty

-- Zodiac Sign: pisces

-- Font: Garamond in Italics. (Hooray "Caffeine-inspired delusions" or whatever the hell it was called!)

[ series 2 - your favorite ]

-- Music: mostly what's on Mix 99.9 and Edge 102.1. I've been all about Seal since Xmas.

-- Cartoon: Family Guy!

-- Colour: depends on what it's for. Royal blue or dark green.

-- Slushy Flavor: I don't eat that shit.

-- Magazine: what I read is Maxim or FHM, because that's all I have access to without buying it myself.

-- TV Show: Chef!, Family Guy, Futurama, Simpsons, 70s Show

-- Song at the Moment: "Waiting For You" (Seal)

-- Language: English (since everything else is waning for me right now)

-- Food & Beverage: day-old pizza and iced tea

-- Subject in School: Highschool? English. University? PoMo

-- Weekend Activity: I work. I have no weekends.

-- Ice Cream Flavor: Maui Brownie Madness and Strawberry Cheesecake

-- Roller Coaster: The only one I actually like is Vortex.

[ series 3 - what is ]

-- Your most overused phrase on aol: Fuck AOL.

-- The last thought you go to sleep with: "Ah, I'm thinking about flying pink sheep being ridden my Granny, I must be falling asleep now because my mind never makes sense when I fall asleep."

-- The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: height

-- The Best Name for a Butler: Willikins

-- Your best feature: my customer service, damn you.

-- Your bedtime: I try to make it around 12, because of stupid work. Varies accordingly.

-- Your greatest fear: ventriloquists' dummies.

-- Your greatest accomplishment: ;) an Hon. B.A. in 4 years in a loaded program (a double-major in Semiotics AND two minors in Philo and Anthro.)

That and surviving over 2.5 years of R ;)

-- Your most missed memory: Cool Erik, probably.

[ series 4 - you prefer ]

-- Pepsi or coke: Not big on either

-- McDonald's or Burger King: McDonald's, but ONLY the fries.

-- Single or group dates: Depends if the "group date" is just a bunch of couples hanging out, or really, a Group Date.

-- Adidas or Nike: fuck'em. Overpriced sweatshop tripe. Not that that side of it really bothers me.

-- Chicken nuggets or chicken fingers: Fingers! Quantity!

-- Dogs or cats: depends on the animal in question. Spike is cute, but I wouldn't want to own him.

-- Rugrats or Doug: What the hell is Doug? I freaking hate Rugrats.

-- Single or taken: ;) Very taken.

-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Nestea. Fuck Brisk.

-- One pillow or two: depends on how puffy the pillows are. If we're talking my pillows, then THREE.

-- Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate!

-- Hot chocolate or hot cocoa: as C said, "umm, chocolate? ??"

-- Cappucino or coffee: They're both coffee. So long as I get a jolt...

-- Boxers or briefs: on me or on him? ;) on HIM, boxers. ;)

[ series 5 - do you ]

-- Take a shower everyday?: unless it's my day off.

-- Do you think you've been in love?: Dur.

-- Want to go to college?: Yes. Stupid university degree.

-- Like high school?: ;) Good times.

-- Want to get married?: ;) eventually. That's what the whole "engagement" thing is about, yes.

-- Type with your fingers on the right keys?: always ;)

-- Believe in yourself?: sure. But I shoot low.

-- Have any tattoos/where?: not yet.

-- Have any piercings/where?: ears and 3 navel rings, well, the ex-holes where 2 rings were, anyway.

-- Get motion sickness?: no

-- Think you're a health freak?: nope

-- Get along with your parents?: enough to not kill them.

-- Like thunderstorms?: =/ not usually

[ series 6 - the future ]

-- Age you hope to be married: Probably at some time in the next 5 years.

-- Number and Names of Children: 1. Angelina, Morgan, Gwendolyn. No boys.

-- Where do you see yourself in five years?: Not here.

-- Describe your Dream Wedding: At night. Outdoors. Probably somewhere around Vic. NOT traditional.

-- How do you want to die?: Not alone.

-- What do you want to be when you grow up?: At peace. No other requirement.

-- What country would you most like to visit?: :) Italy for the vacation-factor, England for the home-sickness factor.

[ series 7 - opposite sex ] -- NOTE: This is kind of narrow-minded

-- Best eye color?: doesn't matter

-- Best hair color?: doesn't matter but NOT curly. And I'm not big on red.

-- Short or long hair?: Short.

-- Best height?: TALL. Not terribly counting Steve and not counting James at ALL, I've never dated anyone under 6'.

-- Best weight?: I've run the gamut. But it seems I tend towards underweight guys.

-- Best articles of clothing?: skater/cargoes and gay-man sweaters (you know the ones, the ones you can buy at Gap and Old Navy and Club Monaco. The ones R refuses to wear.)

-- Best first date location?: ;) since I avoided my usual bar setting last time... the park. Definitely the park. That park and I go way back.

-- Best first kiss location?: Anywhere it's comfortable and natural.

-- What facial feature do you find the most attractive?: Eyes. How they can communicate so much.

[ series 8 - other ]

-- When's the last time you slept with a stuffed animal: last night (Woolly Fred and Kong Fred and Groink, I was at R's.)

-- How many rings until you answer the phone: at least 1-2

-- What's on your mouse pad?: "DELL"

-- How many houses have you lived in? one + res.

-- How many schools have you gone to?: Highschool & U of T.

-- What color is your bedroom carpet?: blueish with burn and coffee stains.

-- If you were stranded on a desert island and you could only take one thing (not person) with you what would you take?: internet connection (my Pratchett collection is online :)

-- What was the best time of your life so far?: :) There have been lots of good ones. It differs, depending on my needs at the time.


First grade teacher's name: Grande Lise (C, I can't believe you wouldn't remember that!!! BTW, we were in the same class??)

Last word you said: "Ouch" (Hot sausage rolls)

Last song you sang: "Waiting For You" (Seal) and "Those Canaan Days" (Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat), a song I usually end up singing if I'm a) cooking or b) pretending to be French.


What's in your cd player?: 5 THINGS! Seal, Michael Buble, Josh Groban, and some Patsy Cline (none of these are mine, BTW.)

What colour socks are you wearing?: no socks. Xmas slippers (my mom is trying to curb my tastes- these are black satiny ballet slipper types.)

What's under your bed?: a LOT of shit- books, kleenex boxes, old pill boxes, facial cleansers, socks, shoes... anything that possibly CAN go under, WILL go under.

What time did you wake up at today?: =p 10am. R had to go to work.


Current mood: cheerful but getting sleepy

Current music: none (Bird's in bed)

Current taste: sausage rolls and milk.

Current hair: Straight and dark brown! :) Yay! (It looks good!)

Current clothes: U of T track pants and U of T sweatshirt

Current annoyance: how my teeth on the top right side hurt when I drink cold milk.

Current smell: can't smell anything, except slightly the sausage rolls I left to cool on the counter.

Current longing: bed + book

Current desktop picture: Paul Kidby's image of the Discworld

Current favourite artist: Well, Kidby aside for certain prejudiced reasons, Dali.

Current fingernail color: was thinking about going either teal or silver tonight

Current crush: Some yummy Orlando Bloom goodness (in either pirate or elf form)

Current hate: I support what C said, except I'd get hate-mail from at least one occasional reader since what sounds general from C would be very specific in my case. I'm not too big on our seasonals, tho.


Last cd that you bought: Josh Groban's "Closer" and the self-titled (albeit Xmas version) Michael Buble. For Mum. And Seal's "IV" for Daddy.

Favorite place to be: in R's bed.

Time you wake up in the morning: an hour and a half before I have to be at work.

Do you believe in an afterlife?: I'd like to. I think so.

How tall are you?: 5'.

Current favorite word/phrase: "Two tents!" (R gets it)

Favorite book(s): Pratchetts, Wyndhams, and Robert Sawyer is beginning to grow on me.

Favorite season: late spring/early summer. May.

Readin' "Kraken Wakes" (Wyndham)
Listenin' to nothing
Thinkin' about bed and book and laundry and doing the dam washing up.

Back - Forth

This is a Diaryland project. Background image by Digital Hooligan (mah man!) If you try to steal bits of it, I'll come to your house and eat your goldfish. So don't.

Most recently I was
Curiosity killed the cat, you know






Past Entries:

* The Last

* Looks like Adam's OUTTA HERE!

* I ain't voting for the city transit-fouling wussy.

* Why do I feel like an angsty teen again? (Maybe it's my fault; I should take it with a grain of salt...)

* Where are we now?