2001-05-30 - 12:01 p.m.

think i've been talking to cassis too much about buffy (she was telling me the ending and the whole last season leading up to the ending.) i just had a really strange dream... lots of part... there was one in which we were in a kind of game, sort of like paintball, but some people had real guns and some people (like myself) had toys; in my case, a ver lifelike bichon frize. then some people came in firing semi-automatics, so me and this other girl i was talking to ran to another side of the room. i saw some people with guns just pointing out where they were going to fire, one of them was a taller, skinny erin Mcsheffrey, dressed like Rambo, army fatigues and the cartridges across her chest. she saw me, pointed, and started shooting at me. i dove (still with my little bichon frize), sliding along the super-slippery ground, i didn't think she got me (it was still half-game), but i heard her say she did. then i woke up briefly, and went back to sleep. in this dream, i was in a store like the condom shack, same set-up as the yonge and bloor one, except it was more of a goth store, i think. but the bondage section was still there, and that's what i was looking at (paddles. for spanking. my mind designed some ones that were more creative than the condom shack's only one, which is soft and furry on one side. most of their bondage gear is. in my dream, there was also a VAST selection of leather belts, you know, also for spanking. which is weird, cuz it's really not a fantasy of mine. maybe i feel i need to be punished for something?) Anyway. So i'm just standing there looking at the paddles, and where the window is, there's the shop guy, and a couple of women who came in... and then someone else comes in, and I hear terry pratchett's "Death" voice asking for something or other. some fairly mundane comment you wouldn't expect Death to say. i think it was kinda funny, too. No one else in the store knew it was Death, they just thought it was some other person. Anyway, so Death walks out, the shop guy comes over and asks if he can help me, i go "um, excuse me, was that Death?" and he goes "ummm... yes, yes i think it was." So I go running out of the store, on the way out I run into some vampire hunter (don't remember who) who gives me an old, green, rusty gun (loaded with silver bullets, but i didn't know that), and we go running out of the store... we end up walking through this park that's full of the undead, we're looking for this one Thing (can't remember what), one starts coming towards me, i fire, then just start picking them off, zombies, vampires, laughing and shrieking "SIIIIIILLLLVERRRRRRR!!!!!!" like a maniac, and doing the little xena-throat-thing, you know, when she jumps? i remember thinking in my dream "wow, i didn't know i could do that! cool!" so whoever i was with put a hand up against the chest of thsi one undead guy i was going to shoot and says loudly "if you don't threaten her she won't shoot", so they all back off. This one recent-zombie (he still looked fairly alive) comes up to me and goes "we're just people too!" and i touch his face and go "and you're very cute, too" and walk off... then there was something with a fire escape, but i don't remember what, and at this one point it was like watching TV and identifying with the main character, i was her but i was watching, like in a mirror. i remember saying "if i'm hunting the head vampire [or whatever], then i have to think like a vampire... since i used to be a vampire, i can just go through the transformation again, become one, and then beat him." so then it was like i was watching me [my character in the dream] become sarah michelle gellar (well, Buffy really), with short hair... everything sort of turned upside down and then right-side-up and then i had a very close (2 inches) view of her face, and the rest of the air seemed to be filled with blue carbonated water, and then she grew fangs, but she was me, right, and then she opened her eyes and went off to hunt the vampire and then i woke up.

Hm. both dreams involved using weapons. one, used on me, one, used by me. and i remember the incredibly powerful feeling i had, shooting the zombies and vampires... incredibly powerful, and not guilty, cuz they were already dead. like i was drunk with power. or insane.

hm. these are going to take a while to figure out. i want cake.

Listenin' to
Thinkin' about

Back - Forth

This is a Diaryland project. Background image by Digital Hooligan (mah man!) If you try to steal bits of it, I'll come to your house and eat your goldfish. So don't.

Most recently I was
Curiosity killed the cat, you know






Past Entries:

* The Last

* Looks like Adam's OUTTA HERE!

* I ain't voting for the city transit-fouling wussy.

* Why do I feel like an angsty teen again? (Maybe it's my fault; I should take it with a grain of salt...)

* Where are we now?