Wednesday, Dec. 05, 2001 - 3:35 PM

Stuff going well. My anthro quiz was easy yesterday and I got an 80% on the last one, my semiotics test today was easy and tomorrow's lit test is gonna be super-easy (yay I've read all the books.) John and I managed to get Harry Potter onto the booklist for that course (yay go us!) so we're going to see the movie in January, for class. :) I'm so proud. When she said she was going to include it, we're looking at each other going "Ooohhhhh YEEEAHHHHH!" :) Got one more paper to write and if I get it done tonight, tomorrow will be my last day of school (yay!) Spent much of last night talking to Cassis, Jay and making myself wallet-pics of Rick, which were surprisingly comforting to have with me today. The little gay guy who sits next to me in Religion (who apparently isn't gay, what-ev) said he's taking a class with Mark Kingwell, so I started bouncing around going "EEEE! he's so cute!!! [don't worry sweetie he's gay. probably.] he's such a good prof!!" [he kinda looks like Robbie Williams, but thin and sans-asshole look] So he said he wouldn't know about the cute bit (pfff) but yes he was a good prof, and I wanted to sit in on his class but the last one was today when I had Pomo. I told Michelle that Kingwell was teaching on campus and there was just this "*intake of breath* REALLY???" look which was funny. She understands, she met him :) We went to Tim Horton's yesterday and she said something funny (probably about her crime-fighting monkey, long story), so I gave her the raised eyebrow and she laughed and spat the mouthful of water she had all over the wall. That was hilarious, trying to dry it off, with a big puddle on the floor. We saw Kris D'Agostino at Coffee Tea or Me on our way out, guess the Grabba's crew have all had a hard time replacing it ( =/) See gwen occassionally, and we saw Art about a month ago, probably on the way to Queen's Park (yay stoners.) Ran into Helene and Ol at nearly exactly the same time today, so we're going over to Helene's Friday for haircuts (Helene's good at layering, very good.) Cassis and Rick and hopefully Chriss and I are going to Greg's house-party on the 15th, which should be cool, but I guess I'm the designated cab-caller, y'all. Shoudl be areally funny night, I'd love to see what Greg would make of Michelle- "So you have a crime-fighting monkey, Angelina?" Ehehehehe :)

Which Evil Criminal are You?

'Nuff said.

Giving me the willies. =(

All of a sudden, really happy :)))) I love you sweetie. <:)

Listenin' to
Thinkin' about

Back - Forth

This is a Diaryland project. Background image by Digital Hooligan (mah man!) If you try to steal bits of it, I'll come to your house and eat your goldfish. So don't.

Most recently I was
Curiosity killed the cat, you know






Past Entries:

* The Last

* Looks like Adam's OUTTA HERE!

* I ain't voting for the city transit-fouling wussy.

* Why do I feel like an angsty teen again? (Maybe it's my fault; I should take it with a grain of salt...)

* Where are we now?