Monday, Dec. 17, 2001 - 3:22 PM

[Stalling on exam studying.]

As far as I can make out, there are at least 3 major conflicts right now that could resolve into a World War on several completely different fronts. There's the U.S. - Al Quaida conflict, which more or less makes the U.S. vigilantes, and butting their nose into everyone else's business and generally being Big Brother; within this conflict, there's the Al Quaida - Muslim identity (i.e. those who feel the U.S. is attacking Muslims and that this is a state vs. religion war, and those who feel they are being unfairly identified with terrorists because of their creed). There's the Palestine - Israel conflict, which has not stopped for ages and seems to be busting out into the open, now that there's an excuse to. And there's the India - Pakistan conflict, into which the U.S. is Giving Its Opinions, because it might take precedence over their own war, and because it's difficult to have 2 allies (whom they need) who keep throwing nukes at each other. And then there's Egypt, Haiti, Algeria and various other countries who are having internal comflicts as well. So basically, if the various situations escalate, you're looking at a multi-front war, with the U.S. siding with Israel because they don't like Arafat, and probably also with Pakistan because, although the Palestinians do not have the right to self-determination (at least using their current methods, which is fair enough), Pakistan does, because they are helping the U.S. against the Taliban. If stretched far enough, alliances could be made which would put nukes on both sides, making everything very messy. I'm glad Chretien showed our support by only sending over 25 soldiers. Ra for Canada!

[Back to studying.]

Still studying (been goofing off.) Feminism's boring. Even anti-feminism's boring. Let it die, people, let it die...

Found my photopaper that mum tidied oh-so-many months ago. Of course, now the printer's running out of blue, and mum threw out a FULL cartridge cuz she wasn't sure, despite me explaining how to check... Michelle says our family's exactly like Bridget Jones'. Never having seen it, I wouldn't know, but I wouldn't be surprised. Mum drives me up the wall sometimes.

Blah blah blah Marxian and Nietzschean transvaluation of these old views, celebrating traits once denigrated blah blah blah accelerated by some governmental or societal orchestration, a more nearly egalitarian and demographically representative socio-economic set of patterns can be anticipated. Now you see what I'm up against. And I still ahve to do Marx, who can kiss my socialist ass. I don't suppose I'm really socialist, I guess I'm closest to anarchist, but not in the "let's get nekkid and pillage Capitol Hill!" kind of way; anarchy's a perfectly valid, if disorganized and slightly negative, form of government (socialism?), which rather idealistically hopes to appeal to the individual's better nature as a method of self-control. As this course has shown me, that better nature can be accurately dismissed as horseshit. Still, I live in hopes. Actually, I don't, but today's democracy is a fixed popularity contest. You have to have $1M to be a contender for the Premiership, and that job sucks. What does this tell you? That the PM (any PM) is either a nouveau riche wannabe, an aristocratic "old gold" layabout, or a corporate whore. Hm, yummy, corporate pimping. Ok, that's all really negative, cynical and probably improbable (if you get my meaning), but it's close enough.

I've worn off all the lines on the skin on my finger with never taking my ring off. 'S all shiny and plasticky, like polished leather compared to the au naturel stuff.

"I know all of us thought about the single mother or the single dad who are trying to decorate a (Christmas) tree right now and trying to make their child or their children have a very, very happy holiday, even though they're now missing their spouse."
-Laura Bush, First Lady

I hadn't, as a matter of fact. I tried not to, because I knew it would make me cry, as it is in fact doing. I mean, I thought about it in a superficial sense, thought about the missing, instead of thsoe who are left. About families experiencing The First Christmas Without Dad, but not the individual components of that family- lonely single parents, orphaned children. Kids who are going to cry again, and again at the deceased's birthday, and again on September 11th, and again on Rememberance Day- again and again and again.

I don't think Bin Laden should be executed.

I think he should be tied to a big metal frame, or maybe be danlged off the torch of the Statue of Liberty, and everyone who's lost a family member or friend gets to beat him with a baseball bat. Like a pinada. Kids under 12 get to go twice.

I think execution's too easy. The U.S. might well have caused a quarter of a million people to die over there, I wouldn't know. I'm not involved. But I doubt the cases are comparable. Maybe they are, I have no idea. But that bastard owes over 3000 people a life-debt. He should pay it back in blood.

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Thinkin' about

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This is a Diaryland project. Background image by Digital Hooligan (mah man!) If you try to steal bits of it, I'll come to your house and eat your goldfish. So don't.

Most recently I was
Curiosity killed the cat, you know






Past Entries:

* The Last

* Looks like Adam's OUTTA HERE!

* I ain't voting for the city transit-fouling wussy.

* Why do I feel like an angsty teen again? (Maybe it's my fault; I should take it with a grain of salt...)

* Where are we now?