Friday, Dec. 28, 2001 - 11:37 AM

Well, Xmas has come and gone and I've been too exhausted to write about it, but I have some time now. Still cat-sitting.

Well, Xmas brought me such objects of wonder as Joseph's Amazing Technicolored Mou-Mou, three stuffed cats sewn onto a pillow, and the "Canterbury Tales"- my Granny thought the mou-mou was cool (I nearly cried when I saw it), my Dad thought the cats were cool (that was just weird- from Loblaws, apparently), and Mum thought that, since I'd said I'd never read Chaucer, I therefore wanted to read Chaucer. Not in MHO.

But Xmas also brought socks (yay!), Organza (yay!), and make-up and a scarf from Chriss (yay!) and a hat and scarf from Jay (yay!) and a beautiful white and yellow gold heart-shaped locket from my dear darling Rick (The Thing I got him was a leather wallet and The Thing With The Thing was a monogrammed plate with his initials inside the wallet.) Mum was shocked and impressed- in our family, gold = serious. Just need to find some pics for it now ;) Rick spent a chunk of Xmas day (after present-opening- he got barbells from my parents, various socks, toothpastes and soapy things and shirts too, and a case of Dr. Pepper and a hand-held solitaire game from grandparents, and froggy-slippers and wallet from me.) putting together Mum's new Dell (she was horrified to discover it was black, but inexplicably would not trade on my nice, whitish puter). P4 w/ XP on it. So now of course she loves Rick, doubly so because she knows he gets the brunt of my Granny-frustration. Oh yes- Granny's driving me up the wall. Spent a very nice, calm day in the apt. yesterday, and thoroughly enjoyed it. Have to go home today tho, for laundry and whatnot. Had bunch of people over yesterday and went to watch LOTR- no offence, and please no one sent me hate mail, but I thought it kinda sucked. There was an hour in there that didn't need to be. The scenery was great, yes, and the compositing good (tho you never saw the hobbits' faces next to humans when you could see both their feet as well, so I guess they used stunt-dwarves), but it was too long, to repetitive, too dependent on the audience being impressed with blood and guts. It wasn't good as a movie in itself, since the ending sucked, but only as the first part of a series. The effects were great, but around 11PM (we caught the 9:15PM show), I wanted to leave. And maybe it would have more significance if I'd read the books, but then... maybe not.

Anyway, got to go home now, maybe write later... or maybe not. Depends, I guess. I'll be here by my lonesome tonight, and as I don't feel like watching Bridget Jones more than 3 times in 2 days, I'm gonna hafta find something to do.

Listenin' to
Thinkin' about

Back - Forth

This is a Diaryland project. Background image by Digital Hooligan (mah man!) If you try to steal bits of it, I'll come to your house and eat your goldfish. So don't.

Most recently I was
Curiosity killed the cat, you know






Past Entries:

* The Last

* Looks like Adam's OUTTA HERE!

* I ain't voting for the city transit-fouling wussy.

* Why do I feel like an angsty teen again? (Maybe it's my fault; I should take it with a grain of salt...)

* Where are we now?