Monday, Oct. 14, 2002 - 11:36 AM

Well, the Cramps From Hell are hitting with a vengeance, and I should have been prepared, because it's Monday and frankly I could beat out Big Ben for punctuality. Every fourth Monday, regular. On the other hand, at least I Beat The System for another month ;)

(Incidentally, had a pretty kinky dream about Brock, of all people. Must have been my mom mentioning him a couple of days ago. I know, I'm weirded out too. There was a seal in it. It was cute. No animal sex. No human sex either.)

Last night's Thanksgiving dinner was fun. (We always go over to my godparents' place; for Christmas, they come to us, we go to them for Easter, etc.) David's re-girlfriend Cheryl was there, silent and slightly mocking as ever; my parents keep telling me I'm miss-judging her, and that she really is a very shy, nice girl who doesn't talk because she's nervous of adults (to which I pointed out, so's Michelle), and that she isn't a bitch. Well, maybe she isn't a bitch, but I think she's a Bitch (as in, the social group? Bitch is pretty much the same as Jock, in a way. Opposed to Geeks [me], Skaters, Punks, sometimes intermixed with Ginas, you get the picture.) Anyway, if she was on campus, I'd definitely be walking behind her going "Like, oh my GOD, it was the DAY after LABOUR DAY and we realized we were wearing WHITE!..." Yeah. And now you know what kind of girl she is.

(I'm sure she's a very nice person, I'm just waiting to see proof. And I have a lot of preconceptions she hasn't disproven yet.)

R was a perfect gentleman, and really cute and funny. It felt so good, having him there, despite not being able to talk to him much. Maybe next weekend... when my Dad has his $5000 surgery.... *sigh* maybe not, I guess....


Checking through some diaries on Diaryreviews, and I was kinda sad to see how many people were using other people's templates. Dunno.... a diary to me is personal. I had stickers on my paper one, and bookmarks I made myself, and drawings. Why use what someone else makes? If I had a diary-reviewing site, I'd make it about effort, not general appearance- how hard you tried to make your diary pretty, not how hard someone else tried. The medium is the message, right? (I love McLuhan.) My diary was made by me, laid out by me, picture by R for me (older pic,) everything. Golightly taught me the "div scroll" thingy (can't describe it better than that, the scroll for the month's entries on the older page,) and I got some tips from C and from various tip sites, but it was all my layout. Admittedly, it only looks good at 800x600, but hey, I did it! ;)


;) Chuffed. I got a good review from Diaryreviews (oh come on, you didn't think I was bringing it up just out of the blue, did you?? ;) [Thank you Michelle!] But she missed my cast page! Admittedly, it's old, but still!

Delaying burning presentation to CD in case it doesn't work =( I'm a BAD procrastinator (and I have a shrill sense of foreboding....)


Oh wonderful.

What LoTR Character Are You?

I'm the damn dwarf.

;) At least R turned out to be Arwen, a.k.a. Liv Tyler.



Mysterious sense of forboding- CHECK.

There are apparently transfer probs between Win98 and the Office97 version of PowerPoint I was using, and my mom's XP comp. The school laptop uses XP, so it'll turn out like shit unless I've managed to fix it up. The font's messed, the spacing's off, the titles are cut off. Are we surprised? Not by a long shot. It would take a lot to surprise me. It would take.... for example.... my presentation working perfectly!

[holding breath]




:) Really quite happy right now. I can finally go to bed!

Readin' "Small World" (David Lodge)
Listenin' to "Other Side" (RHCP)
Thinkin' about PowerPoint presentation I'm gonna hafta finish today, breakfast

Back - Forth

This is a Diaryland project. Background image by Digital Hooligan (mah man!) If you try to steal bits of it, I'll come to your house and eat your goldfish. So don't.

Most recently I was
Curiosity killed the cat, you know






Past Entries:

* The Last

* Looks like Adam's OUTTA HERE!

* I ain't voting for the city transit-fouling wussy.

* Why do I feel like an angsty teen again? (Maybe it's my fault; I should take it with a grain of salt...)

* Where are we now?