Sunday, Oct. 27, 2002 - 3:42 PM

Dear GOD I'm tired.

Having now had nearly an hour's break since I started this entry, am much less tired. From whence did my arise sudden lipothymy, I hear you cry? (Bear with me - I'd like to imagine I have the kind of readers who could at least bother to look up "lipothymy," in order to not cry something trite and mundane.) From carrying 20lbs. of bird seed down Bayview, that's from whence!! My hands are still sore, an hour and a half later (yes, it's now been 1.5 hrs, I've been doing other things in the interim, thankyouverymuch. I don't spend hours at a time writing here.) In addition to my Sisyphian load (carried one-handed, may I add!), I had 4 litres of milk, butterscotch pudding, cheesecake (we'll talk about that later), and a jar of strawberry topping in the other hand. Which was nothing compared to the bird seed. For half a mile or so. Admittedly, downhill; I still had to stop every ten steps to rest. It was a bugger.

About the cheesecake: it's... a.... mix.

[Don't kill me!]

From Jello.

[Still don't kill me!]

It's made, and in the fridge, and I have 2 hours to go before I find out if it's the worst abomination on God's earth yet to make a mockery of the word "Cheesecake," or if it's an Instant Pudding gift from Heaven.

(You know where my money is...)

It's Daddy's birthday (or, at least, we're celebrating it now, as opposed to 2 weeks ago), and it was no-bake, and I felt he needed a cake. So I got it. And I'm sure to regret it very much. But at least he has a cake ;)

They're back, I better start cleaning up the ravaged scene of destruction that is our kitchen...



The cheesecake was good.

This was totally unexpected, and means we now have a new source of cheesecake, other than Demetre's, for a fraction of the cost of one slice. Life is indeed good.

Ladytron are really weird. They kinda sound Asian.

And I ammend, yet again- Tilt's "Angry Skies" (if it is Tilt, because it doesn't sound like Tilt) is really good.

Too tired to think right now, we've just celebrated Daddy's B-day and Granny & Da sent a postcard of Newark's marketplace, which I will scan tomorrow if I feel like it. Until then, wish me luck on my test tomorrow!

Readin' "Fifth Business" (Davies)- yes, again.
Listenin' to nothing!
Thinkin' about hands. hurting.

Back - Forth

This is a Diaryland project. Background image by Digital Hooligan (mah man!) If you try to steal bits of it, I'll come to your house and eat your goldfish. So don't.

Most recently I was
Curiosity killed the cat, you know






Past Entries:

* The Last

* Looks like Adam's OUTTA HERE!

* I ain't voting for the city transit-fouling wussy.

* Why do I feel like an angsty teen again? (Maybe it's my fault; I should take it with a grain of salt...)

* Where are we now?