Tuesday, Oct. 29, 2002 - 8:59 AM


(I just felt like writing noise.)

Test in an hour and I'm adamantly (or as I used to say, "a-damn-nent-ly") not studying. I read Foucault's wonderful little treatise on sexuality last night, and it was boring. I'm being forced to study a man who makes sex boring. Ye gods...

In my becoming-official status as a Diaryland Whore (no, I haven't joined the ring- I'm self-nominated!), I've started reading a lot more diaries lately. I've been spending this should-be-studying-for-test-time reading Michelle, who not only sounds a lot like me, but is doing everything I want to do (except for the computer technology bit, she can keep that.) It's just weird, when you meet people who are more You than you are. Like Kerry. She's more me than I am too. She listens to Dar, and Bowie, and I've been reading her writing at The Strand before I even joined U of T (my Dad made me get into college life early.) And she's currently living in Notts., which is where my grandparents live (or, it has the same relation to their village that Toronto does to West Hill. Where's West Hill, you ask? My point exactly.)

I've started up a new diary, because I wanted the name, but I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it yet.

Maybe I'll....

tell the truth.


Talked to Diana today about Larry. I was kinda surprised by what she said... he doesn't sound at all like the big terrible monster he sounded like last year. Of course, I guess I've always maintained a respect at his obvious (surplus?) intelligence, but I suppose "rumours of his evilness were greatly exaggerated." It's a strange thought, and not one I've entertained for the last 2 years. Not one that comes amiss, tho. I don't have a prob with him being nice ;) It's just making me rethink my assumptions, my inculcations. I guess I should have used my head more. I guess I'm glad he's doing well- I don't really think about him until someone else (frequently my mother) brings him up. Why would I? It's been nearly 6 years (am I that old?!) ;) Hey, whatev. It gives me satisfaction that he's doing well- he obviously found someone better-matched than me. I'm glad to see he's happy. (Or hear he is, anyway.)

That said, I've decided I really like Diana. She's easy to talk to, and funny. And she recommended a book I'm going to try to find ("Macho Sluts".) My reading-frenzy (as opposed to "feeding-frenzy"- get it? get it?) has been insatiable of late. Yay! Books! (Started and finished 5th Biz and Harry Potter 2 last week, on Manticore now. Again.) I'll never admit it to them, but I'm glad my parents didn't let me play videogames and gave me lots of books instead, when I was little. ;) I have an attention-span!

Readin' Barthes
Listenin' to people typing
Thinkin' about test. Well, not really. Sort of.

Back - Forth

This is a Diaryland project. Background image by Digital Hooligan (mah man!) If you try to steal bits of it, I'll come to your house and eat your goldfish. So don't.

Most recently I was
Curiosity killed the cat, you know






Past Entries:

* The Last

* Looks like Adam's OUTTA HERE!

* I ain't voting for the city transit-fouling wussy.

* Why do I feel like an angsty teen again? (Maybe it's my fault; I should take it with a grain of salt...)

* Where are we now?