Sunday, Sept. 07, 2003 - 10:04 AM

Just had my bi-annual "teeth falling out" nightmare. I think they're lessening, but this one's a bit different.

I had been talking to an old-Laurent-esque figure (you know how people change in dreams, and according to Jungian psychology, don't represent actual people anyway. [Blow that.] There might have been some Dean mixed in there too.) He had been saying something that amounted to "I miss you" or something. (I'm not too clear on that, it was long before the teeth.) We went to a sort of bar where there was a karaoke booth that projected the music into the street. The guy (not Laurent anymore, some Dean with some old Chuck in, and lots of people I don't know) Grabbed the mic and started singing RHCP's "Under THe Bridge", while the DJ announced the song. We were shielded from sight by a sort of booth thing, from the street and the other people jumping around in the tiny bar. He was much taller than me, and the mic was too, but I harmonized anyway, more for myself than anything, and he smiled and kissed me when he could. I remember a smooth face, more like R's than anything, but there was a feeling there that I don't associate with R- sort of bad-ass and "we're on the edge", like with Mike. (Geez, I'm really making the ex-tour during this one, aren't I?) He lowered the mic and the DJ started saying things like "Oh, wow, this is great!" We got louder and louder, I singing the backing, he singing lead. There were blue strobe lights, and I felt like a movie-star. It was like a Britney act, I was singing on my knees, kneeling in front of him, with the mic pole between my legs while he sang into it. Very superstar. We slid outside during the finale of the song, to a cheering, jumping crowd outside. I was still clutching the mic, standing in the doorway, he was running outside to his fans, when a police car drove into the crowd and a bunch of cops jumped out and arrested him. I heard screams of "accused of gun-possession" and things like that, and the crowd scattered. I was in shock- the guy I was starting to like (whoever the hell he was), a criminal and jailed! I was totally speechless, still clutching the mic in shock, totally unable to talk. I stumbled back into the tiny bar, where people were running around, frantic. I might have started crying, I'm not sure. There were people around me, talking to cops. Cops looking at me. Suddenly, I was physically as well as mentally unable to talk. I couldn't understand, but it seemed my top and bottom rows of teeth were stuck on top of each other. I female cop was giving me a strange look and asking "What is it? What's wrong?" I didn't know, and I couldn't tell her. I was like in "Gulliver's Fugitives", where Troi turns into a stone statue- my face was frozen, and hurting dreadfully. I happened to catch my reflexion in a grandfather clock next to me- my mouth was twisted horribly like Neo's at the agents' place, in the beginning of Matrix. My jaw was dislocated. I tried to tell her, I don't know if she udnerstood. I started crying, because of my guy, and my jaw, and how much everything sucked, and I waved her away and walked up to a display case and smashed my jaw into it, to try to reset it. The glass broke, and I think it worked the first time, but when I carefully tested it out, it kept wanting to dislocate again, to shut me up and prevent me from talking again. I spat some bloody teeth out, and at that point, I realized this kind of stuff happens in my dreams and willed myself to wake up. It worked, too, and I was semi-conscious for a few seconds before I got sucked back into the dream. My jaw was dislocated again, I tried smashing it again, and it broke, shattered, and some more bloody teeth fell out. Then my alarm clock saved me.

I have a lot to think abotu with this one. Some of it's easy- I feel unable to talk, to say anything, and something's hurting me. Doesn't take a genius to figure that one out. The fact that it's my own solution, to stop the pain and silence by smashing my face into something, isn't too hard either- something like shooting myself in the foot. The guy's going to take some effort. Perhaps I felt those guys, Laurent and Mike and R (because Lord knows I see him once a week if I'm lucky) were unfairly taken away from me by something out of my control. Maybe. My jaw's been dislocated in a few dreams before, but I never realized exactly what it was until I saw my reflexion in the glass, twisted up like a Geiger drawing, the mouth caving in on itself, the bones distorted and skewed.

Anyway, I have to get ready- I'm to church with Mum today, and then we're going back to IKEA :) No, she didn't bribe me.

Readin' Reaper Man
Listenin' to "Something Stupid" (Robbie Williams & Nicole Kidman) and the bird
Thinkin' about getting dressed, IKEA furniture, getting my jaw wired shut., how nice it is to be able to feel all my teeth in the right place

Back - Forth

This is a Diaryland project. Background image by Digital Hooligan (mah man!) If you try to steal bits of it, I'll come to your house and eat your goldfish. So don't.

Most recently I was
Curiosity killed the cat, you know






Past Entries:

* The Last

* Looks like Adam's OUTTA HERE!

* I ain't voting for the city transit-fouling wussy.

* Why do I feel like an angsty teen again? (Maybe it's my fault; I should take it with a grain of salt...)

* Where are we now?