Monday, Jan. 05, 2004 - 11:18 PM

Sometimes, Splorch really reminds me of C. Especially about the Reading List rants.

SO, my entries have really become drivel recently. No, no, I know, it's the hard, cold truth: drivel. Why is this, I am convinced you're asking? Because, gentle reader, nothing's going on in my life. Actually, that's 100% not true. Nothing notable and interesting is going on in my life, I'm working too much, and I forget funny work stories by the time I get home (although Azam did strain his groin today. That provided 10 minutes of quality entertainment.) And, as Wyndham spells out in "Day of the Triffids" (which I just finished for the jillionth time last night, now that I own a copy again), progress, education and mental advancement all depend on a certain about of leisure; people who are working their asses off just to survive don't have time to fuck around (paraphrased, sort of.) So: I don't have enough leisure time to enjoy myself, think, and come up with funny or interesting material. As it happens, this damn diary isn't just for you people, it's for me too, and the fact that I'm cataloguing this phenomenon is... relevant... somehow.... dammit. Stupid attention span.

[The one funny work-related story I can think of involves Winfield, and to get why it's funny, you sort of have to know about him. Winfield is in inventory, Asian, maybe 24 but possibly 30, and about 3'10. I'm not sure what the correct term is now, dwarf or Little Person (not midget, apparently, I learned this from Maury or possibly Geraldo), but whatever it is, that's Winfield. He's cute in a badass, funny (ha-ha) way, but I'm not sure if it isn't supposed to be condescending to think that dwarves are cute (even if it is in a badass way.) Anyway, he's funny as hell, and much like the TGG (Token Gay Guy) of any girly-group, he's someone you desperately want to get to know, and to like you. Not because he's different, but because he's fucking cool. He also makes a large amount of anti-Chinese comments, despite being Chinese, like "You can't trust those Chinese drivers!" and "You tell a customer it's not made in China and he'll buy it!" (This is largely true. ALSO, this is not me advocating descrimination. It's only funny because it's Winfield saying it, and so obviously taking the piss.) Anyway, we were all talking in the staff room, and Winfield was saying he liked spicy food. Scott, one of the guys from Home Theatre, was like "Hey man, I've eaten stuff that would make you shit fire!"

Winfield, without missing a beat, was like "Yeah well, I eat shit."

I realize this isn't funny at all in print, but it was hilarious to all of us crammed in The Hub, mostly because of his timing and his utterly straight face. Then of course he cracked and was like "DON'T YOU GO SAYING I EAT SHIT, WHITE MAN!"

That's one of the things that I really do enjoy about BB- the comaraderie.]

Readin' "Men At Arms" (Pratchett -- it's been a while)
Listenin' to nothing
Thinkin' about bed and reading

Back - Forth

This is a Diaryland project. Background image by Digital Hooligan (mah man!) If you try to steal bits of it, I'll come to your house and eat your goldfish. So don't.

Most recently I was
Curiosity killed the cat, you know






Past Entries:

* The Last

* Looks like Adam's OUTTA HERE!

* I ain't voting for the city transit-fouling wussy.

* Why do I feel like an angsty teen again? (Maybe it's my fault; I should take it with a grain of salt...)

* Where are we now?