2000-06-17 - 10:35:06

Ok, I'm back, HI EVERYONE! Stupid jetlag, wouldn't see me up at 6AM for any other reason... gotta go to work today. GAH! Ok, brief rundown of holiday:

Week 1

Jenny and I spent the week with Auntie Phred (nee Judith Rosalind, relax, no one had a sex change), going shopping in Manchester and Stockport, going to Alton Towers (like Wonderland), going to a music festival parade and fire works and stockcar racing and to see Gladiator (which really is pretty good, all the girls are right, GOTTA luv a man in uniform...;) I miss having cats. Phred's got 2- Grace (after Orlando's wife in the Orlando the Marmelade Cat books) and Brixton (this is slightly more complicated in a politically uncorrect way, but basically, Brix was named that cuz he's black and got into trouble a lot, and Brixton is a region of London where all the Jamaican immigrants end up, high crime rate. Auntie Phred's sense of humour for you.) I love Brix, he's awesome, will just sit on you for hours and purr. On the other hand, Daddy and I are pressing the pug thing on mum, and we know she wants to but won't, so it's just a matter of pushing that until she wants to and will. So I might have a new baby pug by the time Mikey comes back (it's possible...)

Week 2

Go to Granny's. Get told "Shut up duckie!" maybe 5x/hour. GAH! Da's still awesome as ever, completely in his own world. Made me a huge dragon poster out of plastic wallpaper and permanent markers, it's all shiny and cool. Also when I got back, the Oldies gave me a beer mug with the 2 TFS emblems on it as a grad present, engraved by Da, so I'm gonna get Red to come over w/ the digital tonight and take pics of it for TFS. Granny's still small and round and inclines to have a tantrum when people talk when she has something to say. Spent Monday in Newark, Tues and Wed down at Auntie Jen's, Da's sister in Kent, back Thurs, go to Caesar's Palace (club) Friday night. Ah. Yes. Caesar's. Well, Jenny and her friend Carrie and I go in- them wearing minimal shirts and skirts, me playing it dyke for the night- it's easier to get out of situations if you look capable of carrying concealed weapons. My GOD I hate small towns! Anyway, so I'm in black pants and black blazer, right? Walk in, we go upstairs, I'm nowhere NEAR inebriated enough to be in a place like that without being rude so i get a seebreeze, i love vodka. So whatever, we dance, some guy proposes to his gf over the DJ system, we all start shrieking (it was cute!), she says cool, we all start shrieking again... So whatever, go downstairs, start dancing there, some horrible drunk guy grabs me (would hafta be drunk, eh?) so Jenny, as incredibly straight as she is, pulled me away and is all like "BACK OFF, SHE'S MINE!" EHEHE. So Jen, Carrie, me, and a couple of Jenny's exes (she has a few... 52... yes, one of those...) are all dancing, and then suddenly Carrie stops, walks up to a guy, kicks him in the shins, and walks back. I'm like "what was that for?" she's like "he said something bad about me last week, I've been wanting to do that for ages!" They apparently made up later and he came to join us too- horrible little blond guy with a big nose and a blue shirt. Some people went off to get drinks, he kept looking at me and i'm like EW so i went to go find carrie who was sitting down somewhere, but couldn't see her, so i sit down too. He comes up to me and he's like "come on, dance!" i'm like "ugh... ok, i guess so" I figured it could be taken in the spirit of "no one's dancing, keep the group together, blah blah blah", so when he was dancing a little too close for my personal comfort sphere of strangers (that is, 10 feet away or more, for me), I'm looking up at the ceiling, the walls, the guy who collapsed on the top floor, anything not to have to look at him. Then he gets closer, i'm like YUK, so i pushed him back (NICELY! HONEST!) and i'm like "don't, i have a boyfriend" and he's like "i have a girlfriend, so?" and i'm like "yeah but i actually LOVE mine" and he's all like "uhhh... um... ok then..." Hehehe. (I love you Mikey!) There was one other guy but he wasn't really hitting on me, and he was incredibly drunk anyway, and Jenny rescued me again, even tho I didn't really need it cuz he wasn't doing anything, but it was sweet. So that was my night at Caesar's.

Saturday was the family party. To make a long story short, Jenny and her younger (by 2 years) brother William got into a brawl that ended up with Jenny pretty badly damaged and raving mad, and her bastard father John calling up Auntie Harriet and saying "you'll never see william again and if you call me within the next 2 months you'll REALLY never see him again", god he's such a cocksucker, so then auntie harriet went nuts and kicked jenny out (jenny's version), so the rest of the time was trying to get her stuff moved into granny's sittingroom and trying to find her a place and a job and stuff. Harsh when you're 16. Family party went ok tho, despite Granny and Auntie H. telling everyone about the fight, and Betty Finlay gave me 10L. for the Bodyshop, so I got ice shampoo and beer shampoo and silvery-white eyeshadow.

2nd Half of Week 3

Stayed with Phred, went to Styal where phred and allen got married, i remember it, it was their 15th anniversary on thursday, nice place, i got something for mike's bday, nothing big, but hey... Allen gave me a copy of wallace and gromit animator (good screensavers, games suck tho), a copy of a family tree program with all the dates and pics and stuff, and a copy of a puter voice activation thingy, so i can officially be the laziest person in the world. :) It's gonna take a while to train, but I'll get there.

I think tomorrow, or later, or whatever, I'll include a page of Auntie Jennisms. They were funny.

Congrats on the job, Chriss!

Ah. "Fuckin' an animal." The old grad song. :) Congrats to all the new TFS grads! :) See you at Vic next year!

Listenin' to
Thinkin' about

Back - Forth

This is a Diaryland project. Background image by Digital Hooligan (mah man!) If you try to steal bits of it, I'll come to your house and eat your goldfish. So don't.

Most recently I was
Curiosity killed the cat, you know






Past Entries:

* The Last

* Looks like Adam's OUTTA HERE!

* I ain't voting for the city transit-fouling wussy.

* Why do I feel like an angsty teen again? (Maybe it's my fault; I should take it with a grain of salt...)

* Where are we now?