2000-05-21 - 00:12:14

Ok, public rant, people:

-Don't send me shit about how ICQ, Hotmail, or various porn sites I don't subscribe to are going to delete me from their server. It's not true. And if you ever send it to me, I will print it off and ram it in Slice. [You'd kinda hafta read a lot of Pratchett to get that, but even if you don't, I'm sure I'm getting through to you... ed.]

-If I'm on your mailing list, or Frequent Emailer list, or whatever, I'm flattered. This does not mean that once I've told you something about x (along the vein of "i can't make it" or "i'm straight"), you should bring it up again if it's not relevant to me. (i.e. "so you're coming?" or "so you wanna go out with all my ani-loving friends, roast marshmallows and dump on guys who worry about their dick sizes?") [once again, I'm trying to stereotype to make an obvious example, even tho this particular example isn't at all relevant to me (pfff, like I'd say no... KIDDING, MIKEY, KIDDING!! :) this is not an expression of my latent anti-homosexual inclinations which have been submerged in denial and compensation.] Let me make this even clearer: if I have no reason to care, Leave Me The Fuck Alone.

-If you want me to be nice to you, don't catch me after work. If you want a positive answer to a request or favour, don't catch me after work. If ANYTHING (except sex and chocolate, just kidding yet again, doesn't hafta be in that order >:), DON'T CATCH ME AFTER WORK. Being a minion of Plant Services does things to my temper. Like murder it with a blunt axe.

-unless you're offering my about $2500, which NOW covers airfare in July, when $500 did last month, don't talk to me about California. I'm sure it's a great place, but it has something very important that Toronto won't as of Wednesday. And it ain't sun.

-I have 41 people on my icq list, and a number more who WERE on my icq list and who got deleted for VERY IMPORTANT REASONS (like annoying me, or keeping sending me dumb forwards, or me having a hangnail.) If you're still on my icq list, it's because one of two things: you're either a very important person, you've been highly honoured and therefore you can't expect me to call you, cuz I won't; or i'm afraid you'll come over to my house and see that you're not on my list if i delete you.

-Places i'm not going this summer: tfs, tim horton's, california or anywhere south, tartu, under the big horse statue in queen's park, einstein's, harvey's, or future bakery. I have my reasons.

-I am going to be spending 3 weeks with my family as of next thursday. some of you may remember jenny. she's one of the more normal rickards. therefore, don't expect me to be nice to you when i come back, or for about a week after. Family reunion.

-"night shift" sometimes means doing Nelles or Caven or the Lower Houses at 10 PM, when the lights are off and it's spooky and echoey and we found a bag of maggots. Don't expect me to be nice then either.

-There's a vast multitude of people i don't like. Expect to be one of them at some point. I find it makes the people I DO like all that more special.

-My weekends are wednesday and thursday. this means that i don't have weekends on saturday and sunday. don't bum me out about it, i was horrified when i realised that friday felt like monday. That's a sacrilege.


-I think about chocolate and sex a lot more than i get them. There's a geographical reason for this- I'm never in the desired vicinity. This makes me cranky on top of all the other reasons I have.

-I find stupid people irritating. For example, the girl at work. Know my "men have 2 faults: everything they say and everything they do" keychain? to tell you the truth, i'm a bit embarassed about it, but tommy seems to agree with me. hmm. anyway. yeah, so this annoying girl, my age, in the lunch room, grabs my bag, reads the keychain out loud REALLY LOUDLY, bursts out laughing, starts smacking my arm and going "it sez everyting they say and everyting they do! everyting they say and everyting they do means EVERYTING!" and bursts out laughing again. I swear, my eyes couldn't have rolled more if i were drunk or dying. I'm like "Yeah that's the POINT...". AND SHE JUST KEEPS DOING THIS!! BEING SHAMELESSLY STUPID!! SAYING REALLY DUMB THINGS!!! AND YELLING AND SHRIEKING ALL THE TIME!! GAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! moral: stupid people are stupid. Oh I am so smart, S-M-R-T...

-David Bowie is one sexy bitch. Don't argue with this.

Listenin' to
Thinkin' about

Back - Forth

This is a Diaryland project. Background image by Digital Hooligan (mah man!) If you try to steal bits of it, I'll come to your house and eat your goldfish. So don't.

Most recently I was
Curiosity killed the cat, you know






Past Entries:

* The Last

* Looks like Adam's OUTTA HERE!

* I ain't voting for the city transit-fouling wussy.

* Why do I feel like an angsty teen again? (Maybe it's my fault; I should take it with a grain of salt...)

* Where are we now?