Wednesday, Aug. 29, 2001 - 9:40 PM

First off, I would just like to say that Andrew is the MAN for all that cool shit he just added.

Second... You're a very kind girl and I love you very much, but you seriously need to wise up to the impact of you words. You can't make even vaguely obscure statements where personal convictions are in question, because you come off as a crackhead. Go back and read what you wrote. See how I was shocked, not to mention disgusted? I know what you meant to say, but that's not what comes across. And frankly... I don't think anyone has the right to talk about killing or torturing or anything like that from their Beverly Hills ivory tower. Rick worked with a guy who signed up with the Serbian forces and shot peacekeepers, because that was part of what he believed in- freedom in his ex-country. HE has a right to talk about killing people. He's BEEN there. He's action, not just cheap talk. And without that blood-ticket, it's so much bullshit. Sure, I thought about joining up with the IRA when I was younger- the South was the Oppressed, downtrodden for religion and poloitical and economic beliefs- killed, tortured, smoked out like rats. Despised. And GODDAMIT it's NOT MY WAR. I am not THERE, the bombs aren't coming in MY window, I am not the one dodging rocks and bullets. SO I don't have the RIGHT to talk about it until I LIVE it. And FUCKDAMMIT it's been 400 years. The IRA splinter groups, the Orangemen, the Derrymen, the Apprentice Boys, they all think peace is meaningless without victory. "We don't negotiate with terrorists." A pretty phrase, catchy, brave, empty as a church on New Year's Eve. You get an AK47 pointing right between the eyes, you negotiate 'til the man with the big gun is happy. "In recent years governments have been noisy about terrorism, about standing tall and facing the threat; but threat never seemed to understand it was being faced down, and continued much as before. Those in the middle got killed; governments and terrorists survived." See? Governments say that. Men in suits, in their plush mahogany offices, patent leather shoes on polished rosewood desk, proclaim it to the heavens: Let the people know that we will not negotiate with terrorists! Would they say the same if it was their own little Timmy who was lying in the gutter with a broken neck, their own sweet darling wife who was raped and stabbed to death with a kitchen knife? Would they sacrifice their family's lives in the name of Not Negotiating? Go read Julian's Barnes' "The Visitors," go watch "Air Force One" if you have to, for Christ's sakes. For the Irish, it's been 400 years of civil war. "I'll not wear prisoner's uniform / Nor duly serve my time / That England might / Brand Ireland's fight / 800 years of crime." Do they really even care about British rule, or Catholic churches? No. War of attrition. In wars of attrition, the policy is LMS: Last Man Standing. That means you have a 50-50% chance of winning, and by winning, I mean having one little twelve-year old loading the last bazuka at the last opposing soldier. Call that victory? I hope that little kid knows what a country, what a people, lost, for him to be standing there, alone...
So frankly... talking about torturing Palestinians, ANY Palestinians, terrorists or not, is farting higher than your asshole. And until you leave school, and your beautiful home, and loving family, and everything that makes you you, and go pick up a submachine gun to blow off the head of a girl who thinks just like you on the other side... don't talk to me about this. Be as angry as you want with the terrorists. But don't JUST talk about it. If you want to do something, join Amnesty International. Do Model UN. Shit like that. But don't talk about death 'til you're ready to pay the price of seeing a bullet you shot extinguish someone else's life. I love you Jess, but please, choose your words carefully. Over there, they could kill you.

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This is a Diaryland project. Background image by Digital Hooligan (mah man!) If you try to steal bits of it, I'll come to your house and eat your goldfish. So don't.

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Curiosity killed the cat, you know






Past Entries:

* The Last

* Looks like Adam's OUTTA HERE!

* I ain't voting for the city transit-fouling wussy.

* Why do I feel like an angsty teen again? (Maybe it's my fault; I should take it with a grain of salt...)

* Where are we now?