Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2001 - 12:26 PM


At Pratt library (nice!) Have to pee again.

Turns out Rick didn't forget to email, they're just not getting through. Which is kinda weird, cuz both accounts are Hotmail.

John wasn't in my irish class, so I have no idea where I know him from. He... uh... writes rap. Yeah. Uh. In class. And I'm not saying anything bad about rap,nopie coco not me, and I'm sure he's very talented, and all... but I had to bite my tongue to keep from laughing. But he's nice. All depressed cuz he's out of Harry Potter til next year. Aren't we all?

I had a weird-ass dream about Michi. He had joined the army. His hair was all Tom-Cruise-long, and kinda slicked back. Weeeirdd...

Really hafta pee.

"We're not too worried about getting hijacked, because we're coming to the end of a long life, and so we're going to fight. And we've decided that if we get hijacked, I'm going to hook them with my walking stick and we'll go out in a blaze of glory, holding hands."

-- My Granny.

Ok, so I did this survey for semiotics on what kind of consumer I am. Did it twice, so apparently, I'm both an Aimless Dependent and a Social Hedonist.

Social Hedonist (nearly perfect balance btw. traditional & modern, and social & individual, leaning slightly towards modern & social):

Race car driver Jacques Villeneuve
Extreme sports athletes
Pop-punk band Blink 182
Pop star Ricky Martin
Movie character Austin Powers
Rap star Sisqo

Incidence in Population:
Proportion of Canadian population: 4 per cent
Higher than average proportion are teenagers
Proportion of Gen Xers: 12 per cent

Money Orientation:
Making it: Show me the money.
Spending it: If it's not the latest, it's not for me. [ed. I don't think I've ever said that in my life]
Saving it: I'll start saving when fashion stands still. [ed. that either.]
Stealing it: Why not?
Giving it away: Why should I?

Fundamental Motivations:
Hedonism and New Communities

Key Values: Risk-taking [no]
Aesthetics [no]
Sexual Permissiveness [well... no]
Immediate Gratification [alright...]

Words to Live By:
Don't worry, be happy
If you look good, you feel good
My friends are my family
Pass the joint [me?!]

Aimless Dependents (not far off-center, but with a definite trend towards traditional & individual):

WWF star "The Rock"
Rap artist Eminem
Metal band Slipknot
Jerry Springer
Stone Cold Steve Austin

[so that would make me a brainless concussed white trash heavy metal jewish talk-show host? ed.]

Incidence in Population:
Proportion of Canadian population: 8 per cent
Proportion of Gen Xers: 24 per cent
Higher than average proportion of blue collar workers OR unemployed
Higher than average proportion in communities of less than 5000 people

Money Orientation:
Making it: My job is just a paycheque.
Spending it: I don't care if kids in Indonesia made it. How much is it?
Saving it: It's my money; I'd better not lose any.
Giving it away: What have non-profits ever done for me?
Stealing it: Depends on the circumstances.

Fundamental Motivations:
Financial Independence, Security and Stability

Key Values:
Ostentatious Consumption
Desire for Independence

Words to Live By:
What's the system ever done for me?
Get out of my face
F**k it, motherf*****

As you can see... neither of these descriptions really works for me... So, in fact, that was a completely screwed up survey you probably just did. Ha ha. Don't worry, I did it too. Twice.

Listenin' to
Thinkin' about

Back - Forth

This is a Diaryland project. Background image by Digital Hooligan (mah man!) If you try to steal bits of it, I'll come to your house and eat your goldfish. So don't.

Most recently I was
Curiosity killed the cat, you know






Past Entries:

* The Last

* Looks like Adam's OUTTA HERE!

* I ain't voting for the city transit-fouling wussy.

* Why do I feel like an angsty teen again? (Maybe it's my fault; I should take it with a grain of salt...)

* Where are we now?