Thursday, Mar. 06, 2003 - 6:51 PM

I'm sorry I'm gonna get you fired and alcoholic!

Since our X-Mas and V-Day chocolate is 75% off, (and yes, tomorrow I'm gonna buy them out.... for friends and people, obviously...) I bought a medium-sized box of chocolates for Mum and I, as we're being Single White Females tonight (Daddy's in PEI and R's working late and then going home.) I might be able to convince her to watch "Monsters, Inc."

Had dentist and hypnosis VERY EARLY this morning. So I've been asleep for the last 5 hours. Obviously i'm very subconsciously against Music homework. =p

Surprisingly, Jenn was all cheerful when she saw me today (could just be because she's mad at Julie.) Shock to the system.

I got to see R for a bit tho, which felt good. We're planning a trip to Barrie next Friday, in theory. =p Theory....

70's Show on. Later ;)


Hey y'all! (That originally came out as "Ye hall!") As you may have noticed, I put up a new background image, also by R. I was going through old emails from him (back when we were young and romantic, last year, as opposed to being bickering and impotent now ;) JOKING SWEETIE!), and found this pic he made me from last April. He may not forgive me for putting up an unfinished pic, but a) since his computer crashed soon after and he lost the Max files, and b) since he's working on a demo animation for Toronto Trek, it's not like he'll have time to finish it up (and c) I'll cut him off if he gets mad at me >;) ). And I felt a darker background was easier to read on, anyway. Sorry to those who are using a higher res, but again, a) my Mother's blind, so 800x600 my screen res will remain, and b) well, if you really care, you can change your res while reading this, right? Because you really care.

Think she wants to do some bonding tomorrow, but I haven't hung out with R in a long while, so I'm hoping she'll agree to us all going out to Quizno's (however you spell that), cuz their ads are really getting to me and I wanna try their rib sandwich. Or the Black Angus Beef one. Argrgrgrg.

At some point in the next 4 days, I have to write 2 papers. Also going out to brunch with Jay and C on Sunday, in theory, and have to watch a bunch of movies for film. At least Prof. Patrick (who's fucking AWESOME, like a Canadian version of Pratchett, with hair) put our essays off by 3 weeks. Thank GOD.

Anyway, enough. I'm going to bed. Despite my 5-hour nap today. Tata for now!

(I hate people who say that.)

Readin' Night Watch (once more, before it goes back to Robarts on Monday)
Listenin' to nothing
Thinkin' about bed!

Back - Forth

This is a Diaryland project. Background image by Digital Hooligan (mah man!) If you try to steal bits of it, I'll come to your house and eat your goldfish. So don't.

Most recently I was
Curiosity killed the cat, you know






Past Entries:

* The Last

* Looks like Adam's OUTTA HERE!

* I ain't voting for the city transit-fouling wussy.

* Why do I feel like an angsty teen again? (Maybe it's my fault; I should take it with a grain of salt...)

* Where are we now?